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Task Sequence runs successfully but no application installed

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Hi All,


We have configured a "base applications" task sequence for our environment. The taks sequence runs successfully until the end but when we check on our client machines (3 machines) nothing is installed or nothing registered in add/remove programs.


Steps we have followed to troubleshoot:


1. Some of our packages have dependecies ( ie: uninstall previous before running the main install program)

- SCCM has reported issues with packages that have dependencies.

2. We have deployed each application on its own and it installs perfectly fine.

3. The task sequence runs extremely fast even though we loaded more than 10 applications. We timed the duration and it finished the full TS in under a minute.


What could be causing our Task Sequence applications not to install?


Looking forwad to hearing from you.

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I would recommend ensuring that the applications are not configured to ignore errors. If the task sequence item group, or individual items, have that setting configured, then the task sequence would appear to run correctly, but the applications would still fail.


You'll want to examine your smsts.log file to find out what is going wrong.



Trevor Sullivan



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Why not create a command line step with the uninstall string with the old version and in the conditions have it run only if that version is installed?


In my experience if i run anything in TS, I have it as a seperate program with no dependencies.

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