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Can someone please point me in the right direction so I can set the "IT Organization" name in the Task Sequence progress window. I've set this in the custom client settings which is deployed to the same collection as the task sequence.


When I run a task sequence that captures User State (requires task sequence to be launched from Windows) the "IT Organization" works fine and it displays our company name. However, when I PXE boot a task sequence for a task sequence with no USMT capture, it only displays "IT Organization" in the task sequence progress window.


This is when I launch from Software Center:



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it gets the name from the Computer Agent part of the Default Client Settings defined for the hierarchy,

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I face the same, I am 100 % sure that I have custom client settings and deployed this to target collection (not been deployed to UNKNOWN).
But still it says running IT Organization.

Created a client settings again, deployed it to a different collection, same results.

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Hi Peter,

Thanks for reply.

I can update the DP (which I have tested already) but cant Re-Distribute since there is no DP available if I try to distribute the contents again.

Is it something I am missing?

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Hi Niall

Yes, I am updating DP.


I followed your famous sccm guides in LAB. Created a couple of custom client device settings, deployed them to specific test collections, created TS and checked, all gives running IT Organization.

Today, I changed computer agent settings in DEFAULT client settings, now I can see that it appears the settings I provided in DEFAULT client settings.

Note: I have multiple boot images, one set is default x64 , x86 and other is copy of default boot images but I have changed background /PE wallpaper.

Any thoughts?

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do as follows, change your organization name in Default Client settings,

once done, update the boot image that is linked in your task sequence to it's distribution points, that should solve it. to identify the boot image, right click on the task sequence and you'll see it listed under advanced.

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