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Deployment of Native Mode Client Certificate

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I am going through completing the list of pre-requesuites for moving my SCCM 2007 environment from Mixed Mode to Native Mode.


One such part I am upto is deploying the SCCM Client Certificate using Group Policy I have been able to deploy the cert to most of our clients. http://technet.micro...spx#BKMK_client


There are a number of computers that are not receiving the certificate though, showing error code -2147220864 in the Clients incapable of native mode communication report.


Researching into this I found it means just that, a valid certificate cannot be found in the certificate store. http://technet.micro...y/bb632794.aspx


But I cannot find any further information around this, sure I am guessing I could manually go to each computer and request the certificate... I'd prefer to know what would cause the group policy autoenrollment issue so I can automate it though. (The clients are applying the GPO)


Any ideas? ^_^




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