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Deploying Open Office 3.2.4


hey guys,


I'm trying to get Open Office 3.2.4 deployed via SCCM but something's not right...


I have created an unattended installation which uses this batch-file :


start /wait msiexec /qn /norestart /i openofficeorg34.msi ADDLOCAL=All REMOVE=gm_o_Onlineupdate

del "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\OpenOffice*.lnk"

copy "%~dp0mods\Setup-impress.xcu" "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\Basis\share\registry\modules\org\openoffice\Setup" /y

copy "%~dp0mods\Setup-calc.xcu" "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\Basis\share\registry\modules\org\openoffice\Setup" /y

copy "%~dp0mods\Setup-writer.xcu" "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\Basis\share\registry\modules\org\openoffice\Setup" /y

del "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\Program\soffice.ini"

copy "%~dp0mods\Soffice.ini" "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program" /y

copy "%~dp0mods\DisableFirstStartWzd_ooo321.oxt" "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\Program" /y


cd "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\Program"

unopkg add --shared DisableFirstStartWzd_ooo321.oxt


But the installation is aborted and in SCCM it gives error 1 with message id 10006.


Does this ring any bells?

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Add "pushd %~dp0" as first line to your batch file and "popd" as last line. Otherwise your source files won't be found. Should fix your problems. Also make sure that unopkg delivers a 0 as return code for success.


Best solution would be though to apply your customizations into a transforms file. This way you don't need a batch at all.

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Ok, found this handy link about creating transform for Open Office! Thought I would share it as it can prove usefull to others as well :)


Modify Installation with a Transform File.


You can modify the properties of the OpenOffice.org installation by using two tools included in the Windows Installer SDK:

- Orca, which allows you to open vviewer.msi and make changes to the tables in the msi.

- Msitran.exe, which allows you to generate a new transform (MST) file based on the changed tables in the msi.


You can download the complete Windows Installer SDK from the Microsoft Download Center. The Windows Installer SDK includes the Msi.chm, which contains additional information about creating Windows Installer transform files.


See here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=11310 (other than original post, this one applies to Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008)


To modify the OpenOffice msi by creating a transform file:


1. Open Orca.


2. In Orca, click File, and then click Open. Navigate to the location where you saved OpenOffice20.msi.

The Tables column displays the names of the tables in the MSI on the left. The window on the right displays the properties associated with those tables.

Navigate to the Property table. You can add properties using the right mouse button and make changes to properties in the Property table. For this example we decide to add the properties SELECT_WORD, SELECT_EXCEL, SELECT_POWERPOINT and ALLUSERS all with the value 1 setted to correctly associate this extensions to OpenOffice.


3. After modifying the property values, click File, and then click Save As and save the msi file to a new name in the same directory where OpenOffice20.msi is saved.


4. Copy Msitran.exe from the location where you installed it, to the folder where the two msi files are located. By default, Msitran.exe is installed on your computer in the \\Program Files\MsiIntel.SDK\Tools folder.


5. Open a command prompt, and navigate to the folder where OpenOffice20.msi, your modified msi, and Msitran.exe are located.


6. Create a transform file by typing msitran.exe, the name of the original OpenOffice msi, the name of your newly created MSI, and the name you want to give to the transform file at the command prompt. For example:


msitran.exe �g OpenOffice20.msi OpenOffice20-test.msi MyTransform.mst


7. Press Enter to create the new transform file then exit the command prompt. Msitran.exe creates the transform file and saves it in the same folder as the two msi files.


Now you can apply the so created transform file to your administrative installation of OpenOffice, or you can use it if you are deploying the OpenOffice.org using Active Directory and GPO adding the transform file in the related section. To apply to an administrative installation use this:


Msiexec /a n:\administrative installation point\OpenOffice20.msi /t MyTransform.mst


source : http://www.oooforum....c.phtml?t=24403


I'm going to try this today and will post feedback here.

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Hi Hans,


Orca is a nice little tool, but very basic. You can only edit the msi tables with it. There is no workflow for adding files, registry entries, shortcuts .... etc.

For the long run you should look out for some more advanced packaging tool. (Admin Studio, Package Studio)

There is also a free SCCM Edition of Admin Studio.

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