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ConfigMgr 2012 setup while 2007 in production confusion

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Background: We have 1 SCCM 2007 server. We are a small 250 computer company and this one server houses the SQL database, DP, MP etc all in one. The only thing that our 2007 server is doing is Forefront management and updates, and windows updates. It was partially setup over time with various people and so we want to setup the new server and start fresh. (Migrating only Windows updates and Forefront settings would help)


I think we've messed up something. The 2007 is in production, and we followed the 2012 setup pages on here. (We are on part 5) It was brought to our attention that a few of the computers' Configuration Manager Properties were showing their Management Point was the new server. Is this cause for concern?


Also, we were going to see about setting up the migration source hierarchy and it shows "Failed (Duplicated site code with current hierarchy)". I thought we made sure it was different so how to I check each server's site code? If they are the same, do we need to rebulid the new environment?


We started out pretty confident... not so much now

(If anyone is available for IM'ing, that'd be cool)

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The biggest things to look at, with running two ConfigMgr Sites next to eachother, are Boundaries. Overlapping Boundaries can cause issues with Site Assigning, which you are seeing now. See for more information: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/overlapping-boundaries-and-configmgr-2012/

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Thanks, that's what I figured. Well, if we start with a fresh version of 2012 and take down the 2007 server, that wouldn't be an issue would it? Would there be any good way of migrating windows update settings and Forefront administration or would that have to be setup from scratch too? Trying to figure out which would be more trouble, rebuilding the 2012 environment, or starting fresh.

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Well, there is not much to migrate on the Software Updates -part, as you have to start from scratch anyway. I would say the same about the Endpoint Protection, but I am not 100% sure if you can't import an exported policy from ConfigMgr 2007 into ConfigMgr 2012. As it's a relatively small environment, I would start fresh and still use a different site code.

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