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Offline client installation

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Hello to everyone!

We have a lot of small remote offices in our company with expensive and slow Internet сonnection. So I need to install sccm clients in offline mode, because it will be difficult to download client package from my sccm2012 server. Is there any methods to offline client instalation?

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Thank you. But I still have some questions. And the most important is next one. Could the computer recive the custom client policy during offline instalation (for example thru using "ccminstall.exe /source: ... ") without downloading this policy from MP, for example, could the computer assign policy from specific file? Cause I want to minimalize network traffic generated during client installation.

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This script (link below) installs or uninstalls the SCCM Client 2007 or 2012. I've used PSAppDeployToolkit and other scripts from different sources to accomplish the task. The installation happens in an OFFLINE mode.

CCMSETUP will not download the supporting files from the server but utilize the content in the FILES folder of the tool-kit. <ALL THINGS LOCAL>


  • Copy the content of the CLIENT folder on the SCCM Server <\\SCCMServer\SMS_SiteCode\Client> and paste it into the FILES folder.
  • Run with elevated permissions.
  • IF running from a share; the computers 'SYSTEM' account should have read access to the FILES folder. The best way to do this is to give everyone read access to the package share.

Download from Microsoft's Technet Website.

After the SCCM client install, the script will wait for 60 seconds and then trigger a Machine Policy & Evaluation Cycle and a Hardware Inventory cycle.


Logging is done to: C:\Windows\Logs\Software

Copy the content of the CLIENT folder on the SCCM Server <\\SCCMServer\SMS_SiteCode\Client> and paste it into the FILESfolder.


Install SCCM Client:



  • FSP

The below command will SILENTLY installs the SCCM Client (Offline)

.\Deploy-Application.EXE -DeploymentType Install -DeployMode silent -SMSCACHESIZE 10260 -SMSMP "FQDN-of-Management-Point" -SMSSITECODE "Your-Site-Code" -FSP "FQDN-of-Fall-back-Status-Point"

The below command will INTERACTIVELY installs the SCCM Client (Offline)

.\Deploy-Application.EXE -DeploymentType Install -DeployMode Interactive -SMSCACHESIZE 10260 -SMSMP "FQDN-of-Management-Point" -SMSSITECODE "Your-Site-Code" -FSP "FQDN-of-Fall-back-Status-Point"
Uninstall SCCM Client:


The below command will SILENTLY Uninstall the SCCM client.

.\Deploy-Application.EXE -DeploymentType UnInstall -DeployMode Silent

The below command will INTERACTIVELY Uninstall the SCCM client

.\Deploy-Application.EXE -DeploymentType UnInstall -DeployMode Interactive

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