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SCCM 2012 RTM - Capture of a machine 'blank slates' original machine




We are trying to get SCCM to deploy a bare metal image to a new model laptop in our fleet.


We have had issues adapting our existing WIM, task sequences and drivers to this model, so we have instead opted to build Windows XP on this machine manually, install required drivers and then use a SCCM USB capture stick to capture to a WIM file.


I have completed this process and captured to a WIM file and I’ve deployed this captured WIM to another machine and found it needs refinement.


I was hoping to power on the template laptop from which I captured my image and continue working on it, but instead I find that now when I try to boot into Windows, it seems to think Windows doesn’t exist and is running “mini setup” instead, prompting for a Windows CD key, etc.


Do you know whether the capture process is meant to affect the template machine like this? i.e. Should capturing a given machine revert that machine to a ‘blank slate’ state?

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the process of capturing an image run's sysprep which in essence reverts windows to a 'default' state, you should really only be capturing images on Virtual hardware, have you tried that ?

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Hi Niall, thanks for your reply.


No, I haven't tried the capture on virtual hardware - does that entail the use of something like VMWare to mount an existing image, then customize and capture the state of that virtual machine?




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Hi Niall and All,


Another thing I'm a little unclear about with SCCM Capture is whether it is 'clever enough' to deal with the Sysprep process itself or whether I need to 'help it along' by writing a sysprep answer file, pointing it to the direction of drivers, etc.


If anyone can clarify whether SCCM Capture works with Sysprep so that I don't have to, or whether I should still work with sysprep to create an answer file/drivers repository.


Daniel V

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Configuration manager Capture takes care of sysprep for you, the task sequence prompts for sysprep files only if you are using Windows XP in which case you have to specify the files needed

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