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Windows 7 Capture Fails with error code 0x800704CF




Need a bit of help with the windows 7 capture task. I have built my Windows 7 reference machine and configured it the way I want, I then create my TS (in a similar way to http://www.petenetli...cle/0000302.htm) it all looks good as it sysprep's the machine reboots then tries to capture the image however it's at this point it fails. I have checked through the log and everything points to NIC driver or access rights to the share I created for image file. I then rebuilt my reference machine back to the way I wanted it, confirmed that the NIC driver am using on the machine is loaded into the x86 boot image and also confirmed that I can access the share using the account specified and can create files, write, save etc in that location --------- and it still fails!!!!


I have attached the log hopefully someone can help me out?



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If you are manually configuring a reference machine, is there a reason you're not simply generate a Capture Wizard CD from SCCM and using that to initaite the capture process? Otherwise I'd suggest making sure the NIC you are using is the right one. Are you deploying to machines yet? if so, add the NIC to a boot image, create boot media, and try to boot up and image that machine...

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