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BitLocker Encryption via OSD with MBAM backend

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I am just curious if there are steps beyond the typical enable TPM and BitLocker steps if you have an MBAM back-end. Has anyone setup an OSD for this scenario? I assume the MBAM client piece needs to be installed as well. Just trying to find the best way to encrypt laptops during the imaging process and have them connect up with MBAM or maybe i'm going about this all wrong. Any info would be great.





EDIT: Found the link below which I believe will do what I need.




If anyone has any info to add, please feel free to do so.

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There is a great post on how to do it here at Windows-noob by Niall himself, which contains some good links in the end of the post: http://www.windows-n...-in-windows-pe/

Here is a good video:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hh328534


If you want to deploy it as the guide tells you to, you will need something like this in your task sequence:



Then the client is installed and stopped, so you can import the registry files needed for it to encrypt the disk. Which is removed again, quite and interesting proccess..




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