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Good morning,


I am struggling with an issue of changing the password on my network account. I first noticed when connecting to my network share after the 'Applying image' phase, it said invalid password. So I thought I would change the service account, located in "Administration Tab -->Security --> Accounts", which is the account I use as my service account. I reset the password and tested it via the 'Verify' button. That worked, I tried deploying again, and still invalid password. It would not change. After a day or 2 of pulling my hair out, I decided to use a different service account. So, I went thru all my distro points and and everything else, to change the service account.


Now I'm getting "Failed with Credential conflict" Below is a snippit of the logs I retrieved.


<![LOG[==============================[ OSDCaptureCD.exe ]==============================]LOG]!><time="08:03:13.069+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="1" thread="776" file="osdcapturecd.cpp:114">
<![LOG[Command line: "OsdCaptureCD.exe"]LOG]!><time="08:03:13.069+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="0" thread="776" file="osdcapturecd.cpp:115">
<![LOG[Loading vista instructions.]LOG]!><time="08:03:13.131+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="0" thread="776" file="welcomepage.cpp:63">
<![LOG[Activating Welcome Page.]LOG]!><time="08:03:13.131+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="0" thread="776" file="welcomepage.cpp:92">
<![LOG[Verifying that this machine meets the capture requirements.]LOG]!><time="08:03:16.423+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="1" thread="776" file="welcomepage.cpp:141">
<![LOG[Local machine is not a domain controller.]LOG]!><time="08:03:16.423+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="1" thread="776" file="deployutil.cpp:569">
<![LOG[system partition is NTFS]LOG]!><time="08:03:16.423+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="1" thread="776" file="deployutil.cpp:494">
<![LOG[Verified deploy tools are present.]LOG]!><time="08:03:16.423+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="1" thread="776" file="deployutil.cpp:415">
<![LOG[Local machine is not part of a domain]LOG]!><time="08:03:16.423+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="1" thread="776" file="deployutil.cpp:534">
<![LOG[Activating Destination Page.]LOG]!><time="08:03:16.438+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="0" thread="776" file="destinationpage.cpp:97">
<![LOG[Verifying credentials can be used to write image file.]LOG]!><time="08:04:08.886+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="1" thread="776" file="wizardcontrol.cpp:428">
<![LOG[Deleting any existing network connections to "\\Server\File Repository\SCCM\*".]LOG]!><time="08:04:08.886+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="0" thread="776" file="wizardcontrol.cpp:432">
<![LOG[Verifying connection to: \\Server\File Repository\SCCM]LOG]!><time="08:04:08.901+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="0" thread="776" file="wizardcontrol.cpp:440">
<![LOG[Connection to "\\Server\File Repository\SCCM" failed with credential conflict. Using existing connection.]LOG]!><time="08:04:26.420+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="2" thread="776" file="tsconnection.cpp:328">
<![LOG[Activating Welcome Page.]LOG]!><time="08:04:26.451+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="0" thread="776" file="infopage.cpp:68">
<![LOG[Activating Finish Page.]LOG]!><time="08:04:54.329+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="0" thread="776" file="finishpage.cpp:59">
<![LOG[saving capture information in the environment.]LOG]!><time="08:04:55.296+300" date="06-29-2012" component="OSDCaptureCD" context="" type="1" thread="776" file="wizardcontrol.cpp:499">


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