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Creating Applications/Packages in Task Sequence

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Just have a question in regards to creating Applications/Packages and inserting them in a Task Sequence. So you obviously have your easy MSI installers (which you can install in a Group of 9 I think it is at the most) and you have your Exe Apps that you can create packages for and use the Silent Installer switches they come with etc etc


So my question is, is it generally good practise to add the "Restart Computer" function after installing each and individual application in a task sequence or does that really depend on the application? How often do you guys use the "Restart Computer" function in a task sequence?

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I install I think approximately 13 pacakges in my TS (I build my OS from basic install.wim). The last one I install is IE9 and i let this restart the PC for me.....It depends on your applications...If some require a restart from a maual install then maybe best to restart after these ones from a TS.


Rocket Man

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