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SiteServer and/or DP Hostname in a Task Sequence

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Hello Guys!


I've got a question for you: How can I use the hostname of the SiteServer as a variable in a TaskSequence?


Background: I want to build tasksequences, that copy a specific file from a server via UNC on the SiteServer and I want to have this TaskSequence independent from the specific installation (i.e. export and import it on a different server)






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Might be a stupid question, but why do you want to use a UNC path for this? The file is located on the DP, correct? So why not just place the file in a folder, referance that folder when you create a package and use %~dp0 when you are going to copy the file?



  • Make a folder on your main sccm-server (i.e: E:\Sources\Applications\MyApp\<Version>)
  • Inside of that folder you you create a new folder contaning the files you want copied
  • make a bat-file in the root-folder that says something like:

xcopy "%~dp0FolderWithFilesIwantToCopy" "C:\Temp\Example\MyDestination" /C /R /H /K /Y /I /S
:: %~dp0 contains the running dir path, so you can use it no matter what distribution point the client got the package from
:: Other stuff you might want to do...

  • Make a new package in SCCM, and referance the above folder in "this pacakge contains sources files" in the first window of the wizard. But use UNC (\\myserver\Sources\Applications\MyApp\<Version>), remember to share your "sources" folder first
  • In the program window choose the bat file


Basic example if incase you are new, otherwise pardon me for boring you :)

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I don't understand why you would need the severname, care to explain?


To be clear: the UNC path (with servername) that you define when you make a package is only the source location. SCCM wil make a package out of the files in the folder and distribute that package to other DPs, so the source location won't really be used in deployments.

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