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site will go offline for a while

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dear loyal www.windows-noob.com members,


it appears that someone has complained that an email received from this web server (see this post on sister site) was spam (it wasn't)


as a result, the order from the ISP is to take the server offline from January 9th at 8.a.m.


this obviously is bad news and i will update you when I find an ISP or webhotel that can host my websites without this rediculous behavior




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I feel sorry for you, I love this site and it had great potential! I'll hope you get back on track really soon :)


thanks Tobias !


I've now ordered a server (dedicated) and will begin the transistion phase


in the meantime www.windows-noob.com may be down for a day or more


apologies about that.

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it took a lot of work


i had to first backup the old web servers data plus sql databases,


I then had to point DNS for my sites to a blank 'server is being udpated page'


once done i rented a new server in Amsterdam via leaseweb.com with Centos on it,


I then setup apache/mysql and php (compiled)


I then recreated the databases, reimported the data, copied back the content


then change DNS pointers to point to the new website server IP


and voila it's done !


a few things still to do but the backbone is there and the amsterdam site is VERY fast


now it's time to develop this site bigtime to make use of the 2000gb data transfer


wanna help ?




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It is always time-consuming to move a forum or comminity from one ISP to another, especially if it's dedicated servers involved.


Tell me if there is anything I can help with, please send a PM and we will see if I have knowledge of the requested assistance.


I would once again give you praise for the fast work, windows-noob has become one of my favorites and hope for higher activity with time.



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