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Critical Error in Secondary Site Management Point


Hi I'm installing a secondary site and ends, but in the console I get critical error, in red, I want your help please here I leave the logs and msi.log MPSetup.log

Users are at home, also to realize the primary site installation





<08-27-2012 18:50:31> ====================================== ==============================

<08-27-2012 18:50:31> Setup Started .... SMSMP

<08-27-2012 18:50:31> Parameters: C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Configuration Manager \ bin \ x64 \ rolesetup.exe / install / siteserver: PRIMARYSITE SMSMP 0

<08-27-2012 18:50:31> Installing Pre Reqs for SMSMP

<08-27-2012 18:50:31> ======== Installing Pre Reqs for Role SMSMP ========

<08-27-2012 18:50:31> Found 2 Pre Reqs for Role SMSMP

<08-27-2012 18:50:31> Pre Req MSXML60 found.

<08-27-2012 18:50:31> No versions of MSXML60 are installed. Would install new MSXML60.

<08-27-2012 18:50:31> Enabling MSI logging. msxml6_x64.msi will log to C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Configuration Manager \ logs \ msxml6_x64MSI.log

<08-27-2012 18:50:31> Installing C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Configuration Manager \ bin \ x64 \ 00000409 \ msxml6_x64.msi

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> msxml6_x64.msi exited with return code: 0

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> Installation was successful msxml6_x64.msi.

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> Pre Req SqlNativeClient found.

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> SqlNativeClient already installed (Product Code: {79A2C6E8-C727-4D12-B4B3-19790C181DEA}). Would not install again.

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> Pre Req SqlNativeClient is already installed. Skipping it.

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> ======== Completed Installation of Pre Reqs for Role SMSMP ========

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> Installing the SMSMP

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> Passed OS version check.

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> IIS Service is installed.

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> No versions of SMSMP are installed. Installing new SMSMP.

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> Enabling MSI logging. Mp.msi will log to C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Configuration Manager \ logs \ mpMSI.log

<08-27-2012 18:50:32> Installing C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Configuration Manager \ bin \ x64 \ Mp.msi CCMINSTALLDIR = "C: \ Program Files \ SMS_CCM" CCMSERVERDATAROOT = "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Configuration Manager "USESMSPORTS = TRUE USESMSSSLP ORTS SMSPORTS = 80 = 443 = TRUE SMSSSLPORTS USESMSSSL = TRUE CCMENABLELOGGING SMSSSLSTATE = 0 = 1 = TRUE CCMLOGLEVEL CCMLOGMAXSIZE = 1000000 CCMLOGMAXHISTORY = 1

<08-27-2012 18:51:06> Mp.msi exited with return code: 0

<08-27-2012 18:51:06> Installation was successful.

<08-27-2012 18:51:06> ~ RoleSetup ().





Property (S): = 1 RemoteAdminTS

Property (S): TempFolder = C: \ Windows \ TEMP \

Property (S): ProgramFilesFolder = C: \ Program Files (x86) \

Property (S): CommonFilesFolder = C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \

Property (S): ProgramFiles64Folder = C: \ Program Files \

Property (S): CommonFiles64Folder = C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \

Property (S): AppDataFolder = C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Roaming \

Property (S): FavoritesFolder = C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ Favorites \

Property (S): NetHoodFolder = C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Network Shortcuts \

Property (S): PersonalFolder = C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ Documents \

Property (S): PrintHoodFolder = C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Printer Shortcuts \

Property (S): RecentFolder = C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Recent \

Property (S): SendToFolder = C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ SendTo \

Property (S): TemplateFolder = C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Templates \

Property (S): CommonAppDataFolder = C: \ ProgramData \

Property (S): LocalAppDataFolder = C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Local \

Property (S): MyPicturesFolder = C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ Pictures \

Property (S): AdminToolsFolder = C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Administrative Tools \

Property (S): startupfolder = C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup \

Property (S): ProgramMenuFolder = C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \

Property (S): StartMenuFolder = C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \

Property (S): DesktopFolder = C: \ Users \ Public \ Desktop \

Property (S): FontsFolder = C: \ Windows \ Fonts \

Property (S): = 1 GPTSupport

Property (S): = 1 OLEAdvtSupport

Property (S): = 1 ShellAdvtSupport

Property (S): MsiAMD64 = 6

Property (S): Msix64 = 6

Property (S): Intel = 6

Property (S): = 6144 PhysicalMemory

Property (S): VirtualMemory = 8262

Property (S): AdminUser = 1

Property (S): = 1 MsiTrueAdminUser

Property (S): LogonUser = SYSTEM

Property (S): UserSID = S-1-5-18

Property (S): UserLanguageID = 1033

Property (S): ComputerName = COMPSITEPRIMARY

Property (S): SystemLanguageID = 1033

Property (S): = 1024 ScreenX

Property (S): screeny = 768

Property (S) = 19 CaptionHeight

Property (S): = 1 BorderTop

Property (S): = 1 BorderSide

Property (S): TextHeight = 16

Property (S): TextInternalLeading = 3

Property (S) = 32 ColorBits

Property (S): = 1 TTCSupport

Property (S): Time = 18:51:06

Property (S): Date = 8/27/2012

Property (S): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 4.0.30319.1

Property (S): = 6.1.7601.17514 MsiWin32AssemblySupport

Property (S): RedirectedDllSupport = 2

Property (S): = 1 MsiRunningElevated

Property (S): Privileged = 1

Property (S): USERNAME = Windows User

Property (S): DATABASE = C: \ Windows \ Installer \ 72183.msi

Property (S): OriginalDatabase = C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Configuration Manager \ bin \ x64 \ Mp.msi

Property (S): UILevel = 2

Property (S): ACTION = INSTALL

Property (S): SMSCWSADSPATH = IIS :/ / LocalHost/W3SVC/1

Property (S): = 1 CCMSHAREMODE

Property (S): = IUSR IISAnonymousUserAccount

Property (S): ROOTDRIVE = C: \

Property (S): = 1 CostingComplete

Property (S): = 0 OutOfDiskSpace

Property (S): = 0 OutOfNoRbDiskSpace

Property (S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable = 141481760

Property (S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 48,588

Property (S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 141433172

Property (S): INSTALLLEVEL = 1

Property (S): CcmAdministratorsGroupName = Administrators

Property (S): CcmUsersGroupName = Users

Property (S): CcmCreatorOwnerAccountName = CREATOR OWNER

Property (S): PrimaryVolumePath = C:

Property (S): sourcedir = C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Configuration Manager \ bin \ x64 \

Property (S): = {26ED0430 SourcedirProduct-F99D-4A6B-89B6-90BC56EC40EE}

Property (S): = 443 CCMHTTPSPORT

Property (S): = 0 CCMHTTPSSTATE

Property (S) = 80 CCMHTTPPORT

Property (S): = 1 ProductToBeRegistered

MSI (s) (60: B4) [18:51:06:359]: Note: 1: 1707

MSI (s) (60: B4) [18:51:06:359]: Product: ConfigMgr Management Point - Installation operation completed successfully.

MSI (s) (60: B4) [18:51:06:360]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: ConfigMgr Management Point. Product Version: 5.00.7711.0000. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: 0.

MSI (s) (60: B4) [18:51:06:363]: deferring clean up of packages / files, if any exist

MSI (s) (60: B4) [18:51:06:363]: MainEngineThread is returning 0

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:366]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:366]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.

=== Logging stopped: 8/27/2012 18:51:06 ===

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:367]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:367]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:367]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:367]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Installer \ Rollback \ Scripts 3: 2

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:368]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Installer \ Rollback \ Scripts 3: 2

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:368]: decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter> = 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:368]: Restoring environment variables

MSI (s) (60:6 C) [18:51:06:369]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.

MSI (s) (60:04) [18:51:06:369]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.

MSI © (48:20) [18:51:06:370]: decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter> = 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1

MSI © (48:20) [18:51:06:370]: MainEngineThread is returning 0

=== Verbose logging stopped: 8/27/2012 18:51:06 ===

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