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Flatulent Fox

Prerequisite Check Error\Warning

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I need help getting the Site System to SQL Server Communication Warning cleared out, I'm out of ideas of what else to check. This is in a QA environment, final setup will be a single primary site with a remote sql server.


What I have verified:


User account doing the install has sysadmin rights to the sql server and local admin rights to sql server and sccm server


SCCM computer account has local admin rights to the sql server


Windows Firewall are disabled on both sql server and sccm server


spn is registered on the sql service account


Here's a clip of the log, attached is the full log:


INFO: Target Machine <HC1SCCM1QV.mydomain.local>

INFO: SQL Server computer <HC1DBSQ5QV.mydomain.local>

INFO: SQL Server instance <>

INFO: Active Directory Domain is <mydomain>

INFO: Computer Account is <mydomain\HC1SCCM1QV$>

ERROR: Connected to SQL Server but failed to execute query IF NOT EXISTS (select * from master.sys.server_principals where name='mydomain\HC1SCCM1QV$') BEGIN CREATE LOGIN [mydomain\HC1SCCM1QV$] FROM WINDOWS; SELECT 1; END ELSE SELECT 0

save to ini file SQLCONNECT:HC1DBSQ5QV.mydomain.local.

ERROR: Failed to connect to SQL Server HC1SCCM1QV.mydomain.local.


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