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Help with new SCCM 2007 server

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Problems I am having:


I built a new 2007 server, I can push and install clients fine, can remote tools to them fine as well, but on the client end...they get "automatic site code discovery unsuccessful" and I can't seem to get my clients to pickup any advertisement for any packages i try pushing out. I check the clients and I see that sometimes they get the folder created in CCM cache, but no files in there...so they arent getting copied to the client. I'll attach the log files from schema, location services, etc.




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Do you have multiple sites published in AD?


Right now I have my old SMS 2003 (production) published with site code S01 and my new server SCCM2007 is in AD container as S03. As far I as know and everything I checked it seems to be published correclty in AD and given rights to the container.

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I just can't believe it's a boundary issue because the first advertisement/package I put out there WORKED...they were received by the client and the client popped up a notification...but when you chose to install it...said the package was not valid or invalid location. Ever since then, i cant get any clients to recognize or download any packages from advertisements....folders get created in the CACHE but nothing gets downloaded.

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No it doesn't matter that it is still running, the problem is that the boundaries are connected to both sites.


So what is my best route to go from here? I just imported the active directory sites that were defined for all our locations. Do I have to setup new ones or how do I go about doing this? I tried removing them all and just doing an IP range for our west campus and it still didnt work.

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WHen checking teh advertisement logs my clients get it, but pull nothing down...


The program for advertisement "S0320008 has not yet started because the content for the package "S0300006" - "setup" (version 4) has not been acquired. Possible cause: The content for this program must be downloaded into the computer's cache, or the content could not be located.

Solution: If the program is being downloaded, no action is required. The program will start once the download has been successfully completed. If the content can not be located, ensure that a distribution point with this content is available for this computer. Distribution point availability can be affected by roaming boundary configuration which is used to determine whether distribution points are classified as local or remote, or by enabling distribution points as protected distribution points. Distribution point availability can also be affected if you are using branch distribution points and the advertisement is configured with the option Run program from distribution point instead of Download content from distribution point and run locally. This is because branch distribution points do not support advertisements that are configured to run directly from a distribution point.

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