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Changing Read Only Task Sequnce Variables

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Any information on modifying a read only task sequnce varibales while running from Offline TS media. I would like to change the varibale "_SMSTSSiteCode" for mapping our clients to their respective sites.


I have read in many articles that "tsenv2.exe" can achive this. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it any where on the web. it seems the "1E", the developer of this tool is not providing it anymore.


If some one have this tool, can you passs it on to me along with the supporting files. Is there any other way to change the read only TS varibales??? Is there any other way to chnage the site of the client while the step "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" is being performed??


Thanks for any help in advance...



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By the way, I have found changing the _smstssitecode variable with the tsenv2.exe, while it works makes the system Unapproved in our mixed-mode environment. It is a simple matter of Approving it, but just a note of warning....


1E requires you to register (free) with them to download the file.

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Have you even tried to google that tool?......


Its the second link when i try it, its a free tool from 1e.




Thanks Mikey,


I have been googling for it almost 4 hours in last two days... My mistake, i didn't observed the tabs in 1E's website and I am just looking at the "Miscellaneous tools" section all the time and couldn't find the tool over there. Just now I observed that there is a "ConfigMgr Tools" tab and found tsenv2.exe under that section. Now downloaded and all set to go...


Thanks a lot for the reply...



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By the way, I have found changing the _smstssitecode variable with the tsenv2.exe, while it works makes the system Unapproved in our mixed-mode environment. It is a simple matter of Approving it, but just a note of warning....


1E requires you to register (free) with them to download the file.



Thanks for the information BB24. I will keep that in mind....

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I have downloaded tsenv2.exe I created a package with trhe file in it. I am adding a run command task sequence that points to the package, in the command line I am typing tsenv2.exe set _smstssitecode=XXX I have tried to place this task sequence in different locations, before the image applies, after it applies, before the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr, after and I can never get it to assign the site code that I want. I have launched a command prompt durring the install at various poings and hard mapped a to the location where the tsenve file is at and ran tsenv2.exe get _smstssitecode and it is comming back with the correct one I am setting it to. Is there something I am missing?

Thanks, Craig B.

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Mine is set to before Setup Windows and ConfigMgr as well.


I have the TS setup as a "Run Command Line" but I am calling mine in a .vbs script.


cscript.exe //nologo "SetSiteCodeAuto.vbs"


The one gotcha may be your XXX value, hopefully you are doing "tsenv2.exe set _smstssitecode=sXXX" 'XXX=sitecode (like "LM1")


Note that you need the letter 's' in front of the XXX value.


We are also running "tsenv2.exe set _smstssmp=sSERVER.FULLY.QUALIFIED.DOMAIN" value

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