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Hi All


First of all apology for noobish questions but I'm a realy beginner.


I've read most of the articles here about OSD and I feel that more I read, the less I understand.


I've 10 different types of hardwared (PCs HP, Dell, Lenovo) in my lab.


I've tried to build a "the golden image" for my PCs using task sequence form SCCM 2007 R3.


I'm really confused because I don't really understand what steps should I take to do that.


As I understood first step is to build reference machine based on unattended.xml file


I gather all required drivers and impored them into SCCM database (I have them in Drives section and also creates Drivers Pacages)


My question is when shoudl I apply those drivers?


I tried to use Auto Apply Drives/Packages task (I'm getting error 0x0000032 during this task) after Setup windows and ConfMrg task , also tried to use Apply Device Drivers task


Could anyone please explain it to me steps to prepare OSC task sequence for different types of hardware or at least send me an example task sequece (xml)





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hi Greg

if you are really new to this then the first thing i'd suggest you tackle is getting used to using Virtual machines for image building, particularly for build and capture where you want to keep the image clean and driver free.


have you decided what OS you want to deploy ?


the error you are getting is probably because you are doing an action that needs to be done in windows when you are in winpe (or vice versa), 0x00000032=unsupported

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hi Greg

if you are really new to this then the first thing i'd suggest you tackle is getting used to using Virtual machines for image building, particularly for build and capture where you want to keep the image clean and driver free.


have you decided what OS you want to deploy ?


the error you are getting is probably because you are doing an action that needs to be done in windows when you are in winpe (or vice versa), 0x00000032=unsupported





I'm playing with deployment of Windows 8 Enteprise


My task sequence works perfectelly on VmwareMachine.

I mean I manage to deploy OS + all appliactions (without captupring an image)


I tried to depoy OS on Lenovox220 using the same TS but modified with drivers requires on x220 . Those drivers were tested and worked on x220


I getting an error during Auto Apply Drivers task. Now I know that it run in Windows environment and it should run in WinPE env

Still when I added drivers to Apply Device Drivers I see uknown devices when I log in to system after TS finish



What I meant is how image creation process looks like?

1. Deploy OS + apps on virtualmachine

2. Capture Image v1 from VM

3. Deploy captured image v1 on phisical machine 1 + apply drivers + capture image V2

4.Deploy captured image v2 on phisical machine 3 + apply drivers + capture image V3

5.Deploy captured image v3 on phisical machine N + apply drivers + capture image VN = "GOLDEN IMAGE"

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hold on. stop right there, if you are deploying Windows 8 Enterprise then the only supported version of ConfigMgr for that is Configuration Manager 2012 Service Pack 1 which is still in beta, so are you using that in your lab as it's not supported in production unless you are a TAP customer


as regards your questions, 1 and 2 are part of the build and capture task sequence, 3,4,5 never happen, instead you deploy the image captured in your BAC task sequence and use separate steps/groups based on WMI to detect hardware and install the best drivers using just one task sequence and one image.


in case you havnt already seen them review my index of guides here


CM07 - http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1064-sccm-2007-guides/




CM12 - http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4045-system-center-2012-configuration-manager-guides/

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Ok thanx for the reply


I wasn't aware that Windows 8 is not supported in SCCM 2007 (thats why I have 0x0000032 error duruing driver injection :) ?)


Coming back to my question


I realy read it: CM07 - http://www.windows-n...cm-2007-guides/


do I understand it correctelly


1. I need to run Build and Capture task sequence first

Task includes os deployment , base appliacations instalation and caputuring an image

2. Next step is deploying captured image (containing already installed applications) + injecting drivers for specific hardware base on wmi query (example: Select * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct where Vendor="Dell Inc.")




If so one question when may I custiomize my Delault profile

I need to makle some modifications (shotcuts, wallpaper, screensaver, etc)

As I understand I can/should use unattended.xml file for sysprep and should use <CopyProfile>true</CopyProfile>

But when I use BAC task sequence I'm not able to make modification for my Administrator profile (it will be copied to Default User profile)

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yes pretty much, you'd keep FAT applications in the build and capture image and everything else (customizations etc) in your deployment image - more info in the speaker notes of this presentation i did



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If so one question when may I custiomize my Delault profile


yes pretty much, you'd keep FAT applications in the build and capture image and everything else (customizations etc) in your deployment image - more info in the speaker notes of this presentation i did


Actually, you don't have to leave everything else to your deployment image, you can do modifications for the default profile on your build also.

It really depends what kind of customizations are needed.. for example, if you install applications in your build and need do clear those app's

shortcuts from the desktop, you can do during the build.... Same goes for Windows Explorer settings for default user, and I'd think that'll

go with the screensaver also.

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of course you can do it both ways, it's up to the user/customer to decide how they want it done, i'm just saying that in general terms, deploying a large customized image (say 10gb or more) may have network impact's in a global environment, however in a small office having a large WIM file containing many packages/changes may not be a problem due to no WAN issues.


there are other advantages to keeping your build and capture image simple however such as how often you need to change it, if it's very customized then making changes to it often (think windows updates and hotfixes) may require a lot of work and time in capturing and then updating that image to several dp's,


ultimately, you decide how simple or complex you want your images to be

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