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SQL EULA in SCCM 2012 lab install

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Good day,


Hoping someone can clear up my confusion. On the 6th screen on the SCCM 2012 install install wizzard I am presented with three EULAs to select. The first time are the ones I am concerned about. Iam asked to accept an agreement for SQL Express and SQL Native client. Is this general and will not accept my already installed versions of SQL? I have SQL 2008 r2 installed locally on what will be my site server.


Thanks in advance!

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Goedendag Peter!


Thank you for the quick response. I installed SQL 2008 r2 already. I just wasent sure if that part contradicted my current install of SQL. This is my first go at SCCM 2012 so I'm learning as I go along. I ended up just excepting them and moving on with the install. Unfortunate I got an error at the very end of the install. I got an error "a fatal error has occurred and SCCM is unable to down load package"so this is not the official error but very close. I am typing from the train and will have to look at it later them post another discussion.


Thansks again for your response.

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