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Hi guys,

I have been dealing with this issue for quite some time now with no luck!


The setting:

I have an intranet CM2012 server with all the roles installed on it - everything is working great!

I deploy packages, installed software updates and etc...

I also have a server located on the DMZ and I have a MP and DP installed on it to manage clients located on the internet.

PKI was setup and everything is working great!

Client located on the internet connect to the external MP, get new policies, download packages and etc... really nice!


Now the issue.

I want to be able to manage software updates on clients located on the internet.

To make it happen I have installed a NON-Active SUP on the DMZ server. When I did that a new tab appeared on the 'Configure Site Components - Software Updates' wizard called 'Internet-Based'. I used this tab to configure the DMZ server as the Active Software Update point for clients located on the internet. This according to this link:



And thats not working :-(


I have investigated it for quite some time now and from what I can see is that the internet client is simply not changing its policy to meet the new setting and connect to the SUP located on the DMZ server. It still tries to connect to the internal server.


Have I done something wrong with the configuration?

Should it work in the first place?

Has anyone installed a setting like it and could give me tips?



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I'm in the same quandry, I'm extending our CM 2012 environment into the internet, and from my reading I believe you need to have an active software update point in the DMZ. i.e. Active SUP = scanning, where as a not active SUP is not able to scan... But I'd like an answer as well.

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