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Issues with Windows 7 OSD after WinPE

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I'm fairly new to SCCM 2012, and have just followed AnyWeb's excellent guide to OSD. However on my test Thinkpad X1, once WinPE finishes and reboots, it installs devices, then during the screen "Setting up System Settings" an error comes up stating that an error has occurred, reboot and restart the install. I tried looking in the smsts.log, but that seems to stop with the WinPE portion of the install.


Can anyone guide me in the right direction to continue troubleshooting? I have tried disabling the driver install and os updates steps in the task, but the issue remains.



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you need to get the smsts.log file in order to find out what's gone wrong, enabled F8 command prompt support in your boot images and press F8 before the errror occurs during deployment, then capture the logs from c:\windows\ccm\logs and attach them here.

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I'm still stuck on this. I went through anyweb's tutorials again, and still I get the error "Windows could not configure one or more system components. To install Windows, restart the computer and then restart the installation."


Again, this is after the install leaves WinPE and reboots to finish the setup. It goes through installing devices, and switches to "Setup is applying system settings" then the error pops up and I can't proceed further.


Can anyone help?

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After Digging around in the logs located at C:\Windows\Panther I have discovered that an update requiring .NET 4.0 was offline injected into the .WIM file. Since .NET 4.0 is not in the base image, the update install failed, crashing the entire install.


http://iboyd.net/index.php/2013/01/04/applying-kb2506143-to-an-offline-windows-7-sp1-wim-windows-setup-fail/ describes the exact issue, however this update was not in my image. I haven't figured out what exact update is causing the issue yet. No update names are mentioned in the logs, just errors of a generic failed install due to .Net 4.0 not being installed.

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