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The CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA




I guess this could be called version 3.0 of the original windows-noob FrontEnd HTA, and this time it has evolved to support System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. I've been meaning to migrate this to Configuration Manager 2012 for quite a while now but time was not on my side between work and family. This works on both Configuration Manager 2012 RTM and Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 so that you can deploy Windows 7 or Windows 8 depending on the version (of Configuration Manager) you are currently running.


Before starting, please make sure you can fulfill the requirements otherwise some or all of the features may not work.


The HTA requires the following:


* Patience

* Configuration Manager 2012

* MDT 2012 Update 1 integrated with Configuration Manager 2012

* Language packs for the Appropriate Operating System

* Dell CCTK files and Lenovo SMBIOS/SMBUS files

* Maik Kosters Web Services (version 7.3) [optional but recommended]

* MBAM Server to store and manage the BitLocker encryption recovery keys, if you are planning on deploying Windows 8 with BitLocker use the Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring (MBAM) 2 0 Beta Refresh Release [required for the REFRESH action unless you suspend the disc in Windows first]

* Michael Niehaus' Webservice for RIS like autonaming [optional]


What does it do ?

The HTA allows you to PXE boot into WinPE and use an easy interface for migrating your computers to Windows 7 or Windows 8 using Configuration Manager 2012 Service Pack 1 with MDT 2012 Update 1 integrated.


Not only does this HTA now work with Configuration Manager 2012 but it has additional functionality added such as being able to choose the BitLocker Encryption Algorithm, install the System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection client and the ability to install Multi Language options.


On the left we have Backup, in the middle it's Reinstall and to the right it's New Computer as denoted by the cool unopened box.


The CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA.png


In the lower left corner you'll notice two new lines of information, one is the Task Sequence name (handy when you are changing versions) and the other is the current USMT ruleset version (it points to a text file which you maintain, and you can use it to keep track of your internal changes to any custom XML files contained in your USMT ruleset, the name of the file is usmt_rulesets_version.txt and a sample is included, this helps you keep track of changes you make to your migration ruleset and is useful for troubleshooting failed migrations with helpdesks using USB or Standalone media which may be out of date...).


lower left corner.png


clicking on the Info button in the lower left corner brings up even more details about the deployment, the following new items have been added to the Deployment Information window

  • Make
  • Memory
  • Is on Battery
  • Is UEFI
  • Is VM
  • Virtual Platform
  • AssetTag

some of the above are new data gathered via the enhanced Gathering ability from MDT 2012 Update 1.


the Info button.png


and clicking on the CMTrace button will open the current SMSTS.log file in CMTrace so that you can monitor the deployment




A closer look at the functionality


There are three main choices in the HTA, and they are detailed below:

Backup old computer




Backup old computer allows you to backup your data in WinPE either locally or to a network share using a mixture (or combination) of ZTIbackup.wsf (for full WIM backups) or scanstate.exe (for file backups). Lastly, you can choose to run a CHKDSK on the disk to check for file corruption. It's all automated, all you have to do is to decide how you want the backup to take place from the options below:-


  • full WIM backup locally
  • full wim backup to network
  • chkdsk
  • offline scanstate to Network folder

Once a backup is complete you'll get a popup message notifying you and clicking ok will shutdown the computer.


backup is complete.png


Reinstall computer




This option reinstalls Windows 7 or Windows 8 (and retains the users data using hardlinking) on Windows XP or Windows 7 computers and supports the following BitLocker specific scenarios, in the table below anywhere it mentioned 7 you can do the same with Windows 8 if that is the OS you are deploying:-


Note: BL=BitLockered and UBL=Not BitLockered, the reinstallation (keep users data, wipe Windows, reinstall Windows, restore data) of already BitLockered computers requires a MBAM backend in order to provide the needed key.

  • XP>7 BL
  • XP>7 UBL
  • 7 BL>7 UBL
  • 7 UBL>7 BL
  • 7 BL>7 BL
  • 7 UBL>7 UBL

In addition to the above, you can do the following:-

  • full WIM backup locally
  • full wim backup to network
  • chkdsk
  • Auto Computername
  • Enable (or disable) BitLocker (if the computer has a TPM detected, if not the option is greyed out)
  • Enter a Username (get's added to the Local Administrators group)


New Computer


New Computer.png


This option allows you to perform a new installation of Windows 7 or Windows 8 with or without BitLocker full disc encryption enabled, in addition you can select the type of Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm you want via a drop down menu.


Note: The Diffuser option is no longer available to be added to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm for Windows 8.


select encryption algorithm.png


You can also select to Enable SCEP which will install the System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection client during the task sequence so that you are protected and ready to do business.


enable SCEP.png


In addition to the above, you can do the following:-


multi-language in Windows 8.png

  • specify Regional settings for one or more countries
  • specify Language settings for one or more countries
  • change the computername, or choose to use Auto Computername
  • Enable (or disable) BitLocker (if the computer has a TPM detected, if not the option is greyed out)
  • Restore from a previous backup to network, or State Migration Point
  • Enter a Username (this user get's defined as the User Device Affinity user and get's added to the Local Administrators group, if you don't want them being a local admin simply disable that group in the task sequence.)

OSD Defined.png


What else does it do ?


In addition to the above the HTA has the following functionality:-

  • detects if the hardware is Lenovo or Dell (you have to add the driver package steps)
  • detects and interrogates the TPM/Bios on Dell and Lenovo hardware to prepare it for BitLocker
  • if no TPM is found it disables the BitLocker capability in the HTA
  • if virtual hardware detected, it disables BitLocker capability (however you can enable this just for testing)
  • allows you to Notify the end user if the task sequence was successful or unsuccessful
  • creates a REG key upon successful task sequence completion and adds it to the registry
  • creates a text file in c:\ with the DATE and TIME to demonstrate successful task sequence
  • copies CMTrace.exe to the Windows\ of the OS drive.

The task sequence will check if the computer is connected to power, and if not it will inform the user via a popup, this is done via the new IsOnBattery variable.


warning no power supply detected.png


Once you launch Backup, Reinstall or New Computer, the computername is automatically checked and if it matches MININT- then you'll be prompted to change it manually.


prompt for computername if MININT.png


In addition there are some debug steps in the task sequence (they are disabled, simply enable them to see the functionality) to allow for things like pausing the task sequence, this is great for troubleshooting.


pause task sequence.png


Recommended Reading


  1. The BitLocker FrontEnd HTA - http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4811-introducing-the-bitlocker-frontend-hta
  2. The windows-noob.com FrontEnd HTA - http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3476-introducing-the-windows-noobcom-frontend-hta-ver-10/
  3. How can I create a boot image with HTA support using MDT - http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1995-how-can-i-create-a-boot-image-with-hta-support-using-mdt/
  4. Introduction to Web Services - http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3247-introduction-to-web-services/
  5. How can I install a Web Service - http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3249-how-can-i-install-a-web-service/
  6. Deploying Language packs offline using MDT - http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3251-customising-windows-7-deployments-part-4/
  7. Deploying Multiple Language Packs offline using MDT - http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5155-customising-windows-7-deployments-part-6-adding-multiple-keyboard-layouts-and-multiple-languages/
  8. Advanced Encryption Standard - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard
  9. Operating System Deployment and Endpoint Protection - http://blogs.technet.com/b/configmgrteam/archive/2012/04/12/operating-system-deployment-and-endpoint-protection-client-installation.aspx
  10. How to change the default BitLocker encryption method and cipher strength when using the Enable BitLocker task - http://blogs.technet.com/b/configurationmgr/archive/2010/08/10/how-to-change-the-default-bitlocker-encryption-method-and-cipher-strength-when-using-the-enable-bitlocker-task-in-configmgr-2007.aspx
  11. MBAM Beta 2.0 - http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/springboard/archive/2012/06/12/introducing-microsoft-bitlocker-administration-2-0-beta.aspx
  12. Configuring UDA during OSD - http://blogs.technet.com/b/inside_osd/archive/2011/06/20/configuration-manager-2012-user-device-affinity-and-os-deployment.aspx
  13. MBAM 2 Setup - http://msandbu.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/mbam-microsoft-bit-locker-administration-and-monitoring-beta-2-0/
  14. BitLocker Overview in Windows 8 - Removed or deprecated functionality - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh831713.aspx

Coming Soon

  • Pre-Provision BitLocker ability, currently disabled
  • UEFI ability not added yet


Known Issues


Stuff that's Fixed:


The following issues have been identified and fixed since the last release of the code, if your deployment has any of these problems then download the task sequence and associated files again (files last updated 2013/3/8).


  • included in the ZIP file below, are three custom XML files used in the scanstate/loadstate actions, unless you modify those actions to point to your own XML's you might get some errors like below
  1. 'scanstate failed because the printer is out of paper
    (Error: 0000001C; Source: Windows)' error message. simply copy these XML files to the root of your amd64\x86 USMT directories and redistribute your USMT packages to your dp's.
  2. As Above you might get a Loadstate Error 27 which is directly related to not finding the XML files above, make sure to copy them to your USMT folders as specified above.
  • Offline scanstate to network (when disc is BitLockered) fails with return code :11, basically there is a typo in the runscanstate-offline_no_hardlinking.bat file, locate the folllowing section and change




  • State Restore (Network) doesn't restore anything due to an option mis-configuration, change Deploymenttype Equals Refresh to DeploymentType Not Equals Refresh

not equals.png


  • State Restore (Network) doesn't restore anything due to a missing file and the file it was pointing to had a /hardlink option in, it shouldn't have !



Stuff that needs to be Fixed:


The following Issues have been identified and the resolution is shown below however they have not been fixed in the code downloaded above, which means you have to make the corrections.:-




in deploymenu.js line 476 change

 arr[arr.length] = "USMTdropdown: " + usmtvalue;


  arr[arr.length] = "Uddir: " + usmtvalue;

2. Change the options tab for the State Restore SMP to task sequence variable Uddir (was USMTDropdown) as per the screenshot below


options tab state restore SMP.png


3. Change the options tab for the State Restore Network to task sequence variable UDDIR not equals SMP as per the screenshot below


uddir not equals smp.png


4. The dump variables for debugging has a typo change the command line to:-

cscript.exe "%ScriptRoot%\wnb\DumpVars.wsf"

5. Local admin accounts are not migrated in network state store, add /lac:Password to the command line in runloadstatex64_no_hardlinking.bat like below

"%~2\USMTbits\amd64\loadstate.exe" "%~1" /c /lac:Password /i:%~2\USMTbits\amd64\miguser.xml /i:%~2\USMTbits\amd64\migapp.xml /i:%~2\USMTbits\amd64\wallpaper.xml /i:%~2\USMTbits\amd64\printers.xml /nocompress /v:5 /l:%~2\Windows\CCM\logs\SMSTSLog\loadstate.log

6. Resolution is not set in WinPE

change the Set Screen Resolution step to

cmd /c "%scriptroot%\wnb\SETRES" h1024 v768 b32

The backup to network (full wim and scanstate) need some additional changes


Add the Connect to Network step in RED in the below two places


connect to network if z doesnt exist.png


set the options like so


connect to network if z doesnt exist options.png


and add an MD to the following line


create backup scanstate folder.png


Download the Files


In this ZIP you have an exported copy of the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 task sequence and associated files.


Note: If you downloaded the ZIP before March 8th 2013, please download it again again as I've added some bugfixes in the scripts and task sequences.


The CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA.zip


well that's it, please try this out and tell me what you think of it, I hope you like my efforts :-).


Installation Instructions


To use the downloaded files see the below instructions, if you need further clarification then please ask.

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oops yeah



System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager is required for zero-touch installation (ZTI) scenarios.


i'll upgrade my lab tonite and verify it for you, then i'll let you know,

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I put it on, went through the steps of recreating all the MDT packages but the create TS bombed straight away having issues finding the boot images. So, I removed it and put 2012 UP1 back on. Just having a tinker with your original TS now to see if I can fudge it.




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task sequence is available in the client on system center GUI mode .but in pxe boot is not available .



i can see other task sequence in the list while pxe boot except cm12bitlocker frontend hta. pls advice

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do you have any step by step document or any clear video link about configuring task sequences,deploy then pxe boot (backup + OS install) in cm12bitlocker frontend HTA


wasn't this linked to in the actual post ?


The CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA - video


what bit are you missing exactly ?

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