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Build and Capture fails at Task: Setup Windows & Configuration Manager

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I am having a problem getting past the 'Setup Windows & Configuration Manager' in my Build and Capture TS. I used the instructions "System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - Part 7. Build and Capture Windows 7 X64 SP1" with the exeption that I am using Boot Media instead of PXE. Also I am using VMWare Workstation for my virtual machines.


The error is "Failed to save the current environment block. This is usually caused by a problem with the program. Please check the Microsoft Knowledge Base to determine if this is a known issue or contact Microsoft Support Services for further assistance.
The parameter is incorrect. (Error: 80070057; Source: Windows)"


This is the smsts.log filesmsts.log


I am using a Network Access Account which is a domain admin account and I verified it can connect.


Any help is appreciated

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The log file indicates it can't find a drive to save information on. I've gotten these error messages a few times, for 2-3 different reasons.


1. The disk is corrupted (quick solution=create a new VM and test, have had to do this multiple times in the past)

2. The disk is not partitioned correctly at the beginning of the TS. Solution that works great for me is this:


create a txt file and call it diskpart.txt. Paste the following in the txt file



mount the boot images you use in your TS:s with DISM and copy diskpart.txt to Deploy\Scripts
At the beginning of your TS, this has to be the first step, add a Run Command Line step and call it Pre Stage Disk. This should be the command line:
diskpart.exe /s "X:\Deploy\Scripts\diskpart.txt"
*Important information*
This step can ruin information if the physical computer has more than one disk connected. You should disconnect all drives and just leave the intended OS disk.

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I finally figured out why this was happening. I finally looked in another log file, setupact.log which logs the set up of Windows (I can't remember Log folder it was in but I think it was C:\Windows). The problem was that I was using a MAK license and it couldn't be validated over the Internet. Once I removed this from my Task everything continued on and I was able to build and capture my image.

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