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Task Sequence OSD Error (0x80004005) - Annoying error!

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Followed your guide for Build and capture Win7
Using SCCM 2007 SP3. We have made the Task Sequence to do the Build and Capture. Have chosen all defaults. Not added to domain. The system boots to pxe and the boot.wim. It installs the drivers and then right when it gets the the "Running Action: Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" task it gives the following error:
"Task Sequence:BUILD failed with the error code (0x80004005). For more information, please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator."
Looking in the smsts.log file on the client i see that the installing drivers task completes successfully and then there are no errors listed. Is there any other logs on the server side i should be looking at?
I have looked at the SMSTS.log and there are no "FAILS" "FAILED" or "ERRORS"
Ive only just inherited the server and Im failrly new to SCCM but Im at a loss with how to fix this issue. Im assuming the boot.WIM isnt th eproblem as it get past that part. If I skip the "Install driver" task in the sequence it will run through and install the OS but nothing else.
Have checked some similar links, and have: I have checked all these and there is nothing in here that I havent already tried:

I have recreated the SMS install package.
Left the License key blank.
Toggled Drive install to install drivers specific to that model only.
I have double check the account and its fine.

Is there any more logs I can check that might show an error???

Can anyone help?!

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