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Task Sequence - WMI Apply Driver Packages Filtering Causes Task Sequence Error

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I've followed guides such as below to setup model specific driver package tasks in my deployment task sequence.





Problem is say I setup 2 models, in this case HP Probook 6550b and HP Compaq Elite 8300 SFF. Each filtering is as below.


SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE “%6550b%”

SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE “%8300%”

If I image a HP Compaq Elite 8300 SFF the task fails on the HP ProBook 6550b step (which is the first in the list of two currently), error below.

The task sequence execution engine failed evaluating the condition for the action (HP ProBook 6550b) in the group (Apply Driver Packages). Error code 4119.


I don't understand why it's giving an error - isn't the point of the WMI filtering for it to go "ok, I got a 0 result on that query, onto the next step"? There is the option for "Continue on error" but no guides or information on this I have found describe having to enable this option.


Another question I have is - I'm applying the driver packages provided by HP - will this install only the required drivers from the package required by the PC or will it apply possibly wrong or unrequired drivers. The package contains drivers for say optional video cards that our models don't have - is the task going to install those drivers and say the nVidia control panel and such? Do I have to manually pick out the drivers that are unrequired prior to distributing the package to our DPs?




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SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE “%6550b%”


(HP ProBook 6550b)

Should this not be the WMI query?

SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE “%HP ProBook 6550b%”


To get the model name from the device, open up command prompt, type:

wmic csproduct get name hit enter


whatever the returned statement is what you should use in your WMI driver query!!


I could safely guess that SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE “%6550b%” is wrong!



SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE “%HP ProBook 6550b%” is more likely to be it!


Same go's for your other model!



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Hi Rocket Man


It still shouldn't error on the query itself should it? If the model I've given is wrong shouldn't it just fail on each query and continue? But in my case the Task Sequence fails and reports an error on the first of two queries.


I did originally test by using what a "WMIC computersystem get model" reported back within "%%", ie "%HP Compaq Elite 8300 SFF%" but received the same errors, only fell back to what I have above to test incase it was what it was querying.


Just to test then I've set it to skip on error and ran a test - it errored on each query.


It's as if the query itself (not what's being queried) is failing.


EDIT - FML I should of figured this out... The quotes in the query, because copied from a web site are the MS Word style wrap around quotes... Not the progrematic non error causing type... Arghhh.

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What happens when you test the query within editing mode of the TS?


EDIT - FML I should of figured this out... The quotes in the query, because copied from a web site are the MS Word style wrap around quotes... Not the progrematic non error causing type... Arghhh.

EDIT: I see that now myself....it works with a single quote also!! Just to let you know :D


SELECT * FROM win32_Computersystem WHERE Model LIKE '%Model%' Will Work


AS Will


SELECT * FROM win32_Computersystem WHERE Model LIKE "%Model%"

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Thanks for your help


Just to conform ran a test run, all appears successful now. only required drivers installed, no ATI or nVidia stuff installed as I feared either. I'm going to leave the WMI model query as is - just the number ie "%8300%" - I've found from getting the model on different HPs the order of words changes, ie:


8300 - HP Compaq Elite 8300 SFF

8200 - HP Compaq 8200 Elite PC

8000 - HP Compaq 8000 Elite SFF PC


It appears would be easier if it works (and it appears to without issue) to just stick with the model number itself, not the full model name to avoid issues in future when the next model changes the name order yet again. Sound like a plan or you think it is best to stick with the full name? We will only have 6 different driver packages in place for our environment.

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Thanks for your help


Just to conform ran a test run, all appears successful now. only required drivers installed, no ATI or nVidia stuff installed as I feared either. I'm going to leave the WMI model query as is - just the number ie "%8300%" - I've found from getting the model on different HPs the order of words changes, ie:


8300 - HP Compaq Elite 8300 SFF

8200 - HP Compaq 8200 Elite PC

8000 - HP Compaq 8000 Elite SFF PC


It appears would be easier if it works (and it appears to without issue) to just stick with the model number itself, not the full model name to avoid issues in future when the next model changes the name order yet again. Sound like a plan or you think it is best to stick with the full name? We will only have 6 different driver packages in place for our environment.


Hey I want to copy a specific file to laptop and specific file to desktops. For desktop i am putting this query Select * FROM Win32_computersystem Where Model LIKE "%Hp Compaq Elite 8300 SFF%" & Select * FROM Win32_computersystem Where Model LIKE "%HP Z240 SFF Workstation%" & Select * FROM Win32_computersystem Where Model LIKE "%HP Compaq Elite 8300 SFF%"


Am i Missing anything?

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Is this all one query with & between the queries and one driver pack?

If its one driver pack with a multitude of drivers in it for different models drop the & and simply use OR, so the above would be queried like:


Select * FROM Win32_computersystem Where Model LIKE "%Hp Compaq Elite 8300 SFF%" OR Model LIKE "%HP Z240 SFF Workstation%" OR Model LIKE "%HP Compaq Elite 8300 SFF%"

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