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Missing OU information for computers

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We are running SCCM 2007 R3 for almost a year now without any major issues. Recently we came across an application we need to deploy based off of OU. We have the discovery method "Active Directory System Group Discovery" enabled and have Recursive set to Yes. This polls AD every day and does delta discoveries every 5 minutes.


We have a collection that works as it does show computers that are in the proper OU.


The issue that we are having is that even after the "Active Directory System Group Discovery" runs, the computer account in SCCM does not reflect any OU information. This is why I believe the computer never makes it into the collection.


The adsysgrp.log file has the following information regarding the specific PC in question.

INFO: discovered object with ADsPath = 'LDAP://server.domain/CN=compname,OU=Desktop,DC=domain,DC=com' <- The ldap path shows the correct OU information.

DDR was written for system 'compname' - C:\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\auth\ddm.box\adhivr5v.DDR at 2/19/2013 0:0:1.


No matter how many times I do "Update Collection Membership" or "Refresh" on the collection does it show up. If I check another collection that contains the computer (such as an all desktops collection) and do the "Update Collection Membership" and "Refresh" options, The properties of the computer does not have the "System OU Name[0]" field.


Currently we have 10 different machines that are having this same issue. Each new computer we re-flash also has the issue. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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Update: I decided to delete one of the computers from SCCM that was having the issue. When it was discovered again, it now contained the OU information. It appears to be an issue with updating the computers properties and not with discovering it.


I'm still looking for any suggestions for solutions.

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I believe I have discovered the issue. It appears to be due to duplicate computers in SCCM. We had the setting "Active Directory System Discovery" running. This was imported all computers into the system. When the computers were being rebuilt it was showing 2 computers with the same name. When "Active Directory System Group Discovery" was running, it was pulling all of the correct information, but applying it to the computer account that did not have the client on it therefore causing the issue.


After turning off "Active Directory System Discovery" and deleting all of the computers that did not have clients on them, we have not expereienced the issue again.

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