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2012 SP1 - Occasionally cannot find boot image

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Real quick question; hopefully there is a really quick solution too!


First things first, I have managed to deploy my Windows 7 and Windows 8 images perfectly across my domain, and they are all functioning fine. The problem that I am getting is that after a period of time, if I boot a PC via PXE, and I choose my task sequence, the task sequence will fail on checking dependencies, and complain that it cannot find P001005 (or something similar) on the DP - which is the x64 boot.wim.... which it needed to boot into WinPE in the first place! The strange thing is, that if I simply recreate the task sequence, it works.. but only for a day or two and again it fails with the same error.


Just to be clear, the PXE booting stage works fine, its simply when the task sequence starts to run, the dependency check fails.


Any ideas? Thanks for the help!

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a. Rename default boot.wim in each architecture folder (OSD\boot\) to boot.bak

b. Copy c:\program files x86\windows kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\windows reinstyallation env.\x86\en-us\winpe.wim to folder in step a

c. Rename winpe.wim to boot.wim

d. Copy it again bu this time rename it so it matches the name of the default boot wim for the site so it should be boot.<pkg ID>.wim

e. Update default boot image. click “Execute Method”  INPUT OBJECT PATH AS SMS_bootimagepakage.packageID=”” ->update default image

f. Do the same from x64 boot image

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Double check you boundarys.


Second , remove the package from the DP and add it again, you could also do this for all the packages in the Task Sequence and se if that helps.




Also if you do this you will have this option, to save time when you deploy the OS :) Good luck!



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