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WSUS and SCCM SP1 Final - Scenerio .

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We have an existing WSUS server that just works fine , my sccm server type is a primary site type (one server with SP1 final ) , i dont


want to install WSUS on the same box as the primary SCCM server , because i want to segregate roles between server , so my existing


WSUS still play the role therefore i have created the WSUS-SUP role on a dedicated server site role to handle the process together on


behalf of the primary server ,am so confused where i have to install the WSUS SP2 service and console , is it on the WSUS-SUP server


and SCCM ??? from where each server should sync the updates ( Micorosoft , URl ..etc) , hope to find my answers here .



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You need to install the complete WSUS on the server that you want to use as the SUP and install the WSUS console on the site server.

Hi Peter ,, thanks for the reply .

Just to confirm my understanding in my scenario, i have to install the WSUS SP2 Service on the SUP-WSUS server and sync its update with my Existing WSUS-Server and to leave everything as it on my existing server and to install the console on the primary SCCM Server (Primary Site) ... do am right ?

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Correct, because since SP1 you are able to configure an existing WSUS server as an upstream server.

yes Peter , i appreciate it a lot if you could show me in which order should i start the deployment , should i start installing the console on the primary site server and then the WSUS role on the SUP-WSUS server ? should i choose the classification and products during the installation of the WSUS role on the SUP-WSUS server or doing that from the console ? what would happen to my clients that are currently redirected to my existing WSUS Server ? thanks alot for your efforts .

I prefer to let my sup-wsus server to sync from "Microsoft update right" now and not to "synchronize from an upstream data source location URL" which is in this case my existing WSUS server just until i make sure that everything is goes fine so i avoid the risk for my current PC's get fail to update ...what do u think ?

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If you have a GPO configured for WSUS, your clients will keep on looking at the WSUS server for their updates. When you start managing your clients via SUP then you have to think about removing that GPO also, because SCCM uses local policies for configuring the WSUS/SUP location...

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