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Sccm2007 - Build and capture - Win7

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Hi all,

Quick question. Just realized that DISM doesn't support the injection of Windows 7 SP1.

Im thinking the best thing to to do is to download the latest version and run a build and capture.

Id like to take the oppotunity to make some tweaks before the OS is captured but im not sure how to do this. Ive only used the build and capture task sequence that captures the WIM without user interaction.


I followed you guide before but this doesnt allow you to manipulate the build before capture.

Can any explain how i might do this?

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Customizing the image prior to sysprep and capture can be done in Audit Mode when you install Windows onto a reference machine and Windows Welcome starts, press Control + Shift + F3. This will bypass Windows welcome and log you in as the local administrator.


Once you are done making your customizations, use the CopyProfile setting in your Sysprep answer file to make the changes to the local administrator account into the default user profile.


There are many articles and videos to help with deploying Windows on the Deliver and Deploy Windows 7 and Deliver and Deploy Windows 8 pages of the Springboard Series on TechNet.


Hope this helps,



Windows Outreach Team – IT Pro

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