oEnvironment.Item("LTIDirty") = "TRUE" On Error Resume Next iRetVal = oShell.Run(sCmd,, true) On Error Goto 0
If (iRetVal = -2147021886) then
oEnvironment.Item("LTIDirty") = "FALSE"
' Reset the Destination Logical Drive ( Drive letter may have changed after rebooting ) oUtility.ClearRelativeDriveLetters
That return code is occuring, sometimes, and its causing a reboot and a prompt to continue task sequence but these are supposed to be ZT so its causing some issues.
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In Litetouch.wsf this line of code is populated.
' Resume the task sequence
oUtility.GetOSTargetDriveLetterEx False
sCmd = """" & sTSPath & "\TsmBootstrap.exe"" /env:SAContinue"
oEnvironment.Item("LTIDirty") = "TRUE"
On Error Resume Next
iRetVal = oShell.Run(sCmd,, true)
On Error Goto 0
If (iRetVal = -2147021886) then
oEnvironment.Item("LTIDirty") = "FALSE"
' Reset the Destination Logical Drive ( Drive letter may have changed after rebooting )
That return code is occuring, sometimes, and its causing a reboot and a prompt to continue task sequence but these are supposed to be ZT so its causing some issues.
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