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SoftwareUpdateAutomationTool error


Hi there,


I'm new to FEP2010 and fairly new to SCCM 2007, but have managed to get it installed and have been able to deploy FEP clients. But I've been getting stuck with the Software Update Automation Tool. A lot of the posts out there have been referring to an older version and there's been some changes in regards to switches (/RefreshDP for example).


I found a great article on installing and configuring FEP as well as the tool at



As far as I can tell, my syntax should be:

SoftwareUpdateAutomation.exe /AssignmentName FEP2010_DefUpdates /PackageName "FEP2010 DefUpdates" /UpdateFilter "ArticleID='2461484' AND IsSuperseded=0 AND IsEnabled=1 AND IsExpired=0"


But the result I get is:

/Help: Default (False)
/SiteServer: Default (sccm2007srv)
/UpdateFilter: Explicit (ArticleID='2461484' AND IsSuperseded=0 AND IsEnabled=1
AND IsExpired=0)
/AssignmentName: Explicit (FEP2010_DefUpdates)
/PackageName: Explicit (FEP2010 DefUpdates)
/PreDownloadFolder: Default ()
/UpdateLanguages: Default (0)
/DisableRefreshDP: Default (False)
/Verbose: Default (False)

SoftwareUpdateAutomation execution starting.
Version: 2.1.1116.101
Command line: SiteServerName: sccm2007srv; SoftwareUpdateFilter: ArticleID='246148
4' AND IsSuperseded=0 AND IsEnabled=1 AND IsExpired=0; PackageName: FEP2010 DefU
pdates; UpdateLanguages: 0; SoftwareUpdateFolder: ; DisableRefreshDP: False; Log
File: C:\ProgramData\SoftwareUpdateAutomation.log. UpdateAssignmentName: FEP2010
Attempting to connect to site server 'sccm2007srv'...
Connected to site server 'sccm2007srv', searching for matching software updates...

Executing select query: 'SELECT * FROM SMS_SoftwareUpdate WHERE ArticleID='24614
84' AND IsSuperseded=0 AND IsEnabled=1 AND IsExpired=0'...
Warning: Found 2 software updates matching the specified filter: ArticleID='2461
484' AND IsSuperseded=0 AND IsEnabled=1 AND IsExpired=0.
Software update: CI_ID: 14766. ArticleID: 2461484. Name: Definition Update f
or Microsoft Endpoint Protection - KB2461484 (Definition 1.145.942.0)
Software update: CI_ID: 14779. ArticleID: 2461484. Name: Definition Update f
or Microsoft Endpoint Protection - KB2461484 (Definition 1.145.1295.0)
Searching for the specified software update deployment package: 'FEP2010 DefUpda
Executing select query: 'SELECT * FROM SMS_SoftwareUpdatesPackage WHERE Name='FE
P2010 DefUpdates''...
Error: Found no software update packages matching specified name. Software updat
e package name: FEP2010 DefUpdates.

SoftwareUpdateAutomation execution completed unsuccessfully, errors occurred.


So I have at least two problems here. I'm aware of the Technet article on the orphaned defintion updates and have since declined them in WSUS. If I understand that one I just need to wait for the next SUP refresh.

But the main error message I'm dealing with is the error: "Found no software update packages mathcing specified name."


Someone please help a noob! Exactly where is the name in /packagename determined in the SCCM console? I seem to have overlooked the distinction between these two (package name vs assignment name)


Much thanks,


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