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Changing TPM driver from 1.1 to 1.2 for bulk


Hi there,


We have SCCM 2007 environment, HP desktops. All our laptops are imaged and bitlocker is enabled and completed before the machines go out. We have recently turned bitlocker on for desktops and all new ones are imaged as the laptops one are.


The issue comes where we are now going around to bitlocker the desktops that are in circulation (globally) already. There are a large number of these machines that have the TPM 1.1 driver installed on them and as we know TPM does not like this, it has to be TPM 1.2 version.


We have started a manual process to change the driver to the required TPM 1.2 driver but this is taking a conciderable amount of time, not to mention this is just local at the moment.


I have searched the internet of a way to automate the changing of this driver and and adding this into the task sequence. The task sequence for the TPM, bitlocker etc has all been done. The only thing I cannot find is how to get this driver changed via VBS / BAT / PS script.


I have found a script that checks for the TPM driver but found nothing to change this driver from TPM 1.1 to TPM 1.2 in bulk.


I know the drivers for the TPM are located in the \windows\system32\drivers folder (ifxtpm - v1.1 and tpm - v1.2) on the HP desktops. Just need a away to have these changed in device manager.


Note - I am only basic scripter.


Any help would be appreciated








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