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Problem with deployment/capture XP


Hi All


I am trying to capture XP

I followed all the manuals provided at this forum everything seems to be working

But at the end of my task sequence build and capture a reference operating system I receive an error with error code 080070005 and process stops and system reboots ( after 15 minutes)


I've added the smsts.log file maybe someone can help me with this error








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Hi All


Some additional information about my capture problem

In the tasksequence I didn't add the computer to the domain => so I capture from workgroup => I hope that is not necessary that the computer must be added to the domain

I used the normal XP sp3 version not a volume licence version





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here's part of your problem from the log


uRet != ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE && uRet != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, HRESULT=80070005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tsconnection.cpp,294)

Failed to connect to "\\WDG-MDT-01.corp.woodgrovebank.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\NYC0000B". Invalid username or password.

Failed to connect to the share \\WDG-MDT-01.corp.woodgrovebank.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\NYC0000B\ with default account


please check that your Network Access Account is set properly


this is then followed by


unknown host (gethostbyname failed)

sending with winhttp failed; 80072ee7

Will retry in 4 second(s)


which repeats itself many times and could be related to the network access account or misconfigured DNS


and finally


failed to send the request

Non fatal error 0x80072ee7 in sending task sequence execution status message to MP


so, check your network access account in client agents, computer client agent and verify dns is working properly using nslookup





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Thx 100 times


I manage to fix it the problem was indeed DNS related


Tip :

I struggled with the capture

I tried to capture form the Import Microsoft Deployment task sequence => client task sequence

That is default not possible

If you create this task sequence and inside this task sequence you want to capture the wim image then the task sequence skips this step by deafult


Edit the task sequence you created with Import Microsoft Deployment task sequence => client task sequence

Goto Type group

Capture the reference machine => options => there you will find a condition => that's why the capture from "Import Microsoft Deployment task sequence => client task sequence" didn't succeeded


Better solution is to capture ( like you did in your documentation) form the task sequence "build and capture a reference operating system image

Then you don't have that problem I had





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