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Generate SCCM Report with below parameters

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Hi All,


I need to generate the processor report with below parameters



1. Number of cores for per processor

2. Processor type

3. Processor Family


I tried to find that parameter in view v_GS_PROCESSOR but view does not have information related to number of processor Core. Processor type is in numeric using that number I am not able to indentify the processor type and processor family.




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Hi Garth,


Thanks for information.


In v_GS_PROCESSOR view there is one column available as family0 and it contains the integer value like 2,12,179. I guess there is mapping between the integer value and processor familiy. Please help me to findout that mapping.


Also in same view we have column ProcessorType0, it also contain the integer values. It would be helpful if I found the integer value and mapping.








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