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Peter van der Woude

Managing Approval Requests via PowerShell



To reach an even wider audience. This is what I posted on my blog this Saturday.

Today I released a public version of my Approval Manager, which I mentioned a few weeks ago in my post about Managing Approval Request in ConfigMgr 2012. The biggest difference, and maybe even a contradiction with what I mentioned in that post, is that I did NOT use the PowerShell Cmdlets for ConfigMgr 2012 in this release. The main reason for that is that using WMI, via PowerShell, is much friendlier for remote usage.

Approval Manager
This public version gives the user the possibility to perform the following actions, without the need of access to and/ or a locally installed ConfigMgr console:

  • Select a User from the specified Collection.
  • Show only Approval Request, for the selected User, that are Pending Approval.
  • Approve, the selected, Approval Request.
  • Deny, the selected, Approval Request.
  • Close the form.

Security Role
In case the user, that is going to use the Approval Manager, only needs to approve, or deny, Approval Request, I would suggest to create a new Security Role. As the user that uses the Approval Manager only needs to have the following rights:

  • Application – Read; Approve.
  • Collection – Read; Read Resource.

Public Available
As of today my Approval Manager is publicly available via the TechNet Galleries. Please let me know what you think of the tool.

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This looks to be just what the doctor ordered. The problem is, I'm pretty new to powershell. Do I need to go through the script and provide site, collection, site code and server manually? If you have time to provide a brief example it would really help me out. I appreciate your time.



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I'm planning on making a screencast about this anytime soon...


Until then, you can start the script with the following command line: PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass .\ApprovalManager_v0_8p.ps1 -CollectiondId <CollectionId> - SiteCode <SiteCode> - SiteServer <SiteServer> - EnableAlert


  • CollectionId - Specify the id of the collection, that contains the users, that the approver is allowed to approve, or deny, request of.
  • SiteCode - Specify the site code of the ConfigMgr site.
  • SiteServer - Specifify the site server name.
  • EnableAlert - Specify this switch to enable alerts every hour

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