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Client Error installing 2007 Advanced Client


Trying to install the advanced client on a group of test PC's. All three computers are in the same network. Two of the clients install just fine. The third PC gets this in the ccmsetup.log file on the client. I have included a screen shot of the error. I have rebuilt the PC and added in back into the evironment with the exact same results. Any help will be greatly appreciated.




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Yes please! To troubleshoot Client Push Installation problems during Advanced Client installation, review the Ccm.log file on the SMS site server, which is located in the SMS\Logs folder. On the client, review the Ccmsetup.log and Client.msi.log file, which is located in %Windir%\System32\Ccmsetup.


Verify that the client is assigned to the site. By default, the wizard only pushes to clients assigned to the site.


Verify that you have created the appropriate accounts and they have access to all chosen client computers. Client Push Installation requires that you grant administrator rights and permissions to either the SMS Service Account (if the site is running in standard security mode) or Client Push Installation Accounts that you create in the Client Push Installation Properties dialog box in the SMS Administrator console.


Also, to enable Client Push Installation for client computers running Windows XP SP 2, enable File and Print Sharing in the Windows Firewall (formerly known as Internet Connection Firewall, or ICF) configuration on the Windows XP client.



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