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error Failed to get information for MP: http://SRVSCCM.domain.com 80004005

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After performing the upgrade from SP1 to the OSD showed the following error message


" RequestMPKeyInformation: Send() failed. / sMP.length() > 0, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstraputil.cpp,1483) Failed to get information for MP: http://SRVSCCM.domain.com.br. 80004005. sMP.length() > 0, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstraputil.cpp,1483) TSMBootstrapUtil::SelectMP ( sSMSTSMP.c_str(), sMediaPfx.c_str(), sMediaGuid.c_str(), sAuthenticator.c_str(), sEnterpriseCert.c_str(), sServerCerts.c_str(), nHttpPort, nHttpsPort, bUseCRL, sSiteCode, sAssignedSiteCode, sMP, sCertificates, sX86UnknownMachineGUID, sX64UnknownMachineGUID), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,904) "


was added CU1 but the error continues to occur, SCCM log shows no error and everything is working perfectly but the machines do not perform deploy.

This message is displayed after the season make the PXE boot and be added to the password


Follows the log Smsts.log


LOGGING: Finalize process ID set to 852 TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 856 (0x0358)
==============================[ TSBootShell.exe ]============================== TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 856 (0x0358)
Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\x64\1033\TSRES.DLL' TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 856 (0x0358)
Debug shell is enabled TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 856 (0x0358)
Waiting for PNP initialization... TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 868 (0x0364)
RAM Disk Boot Path: NET(0)\SMSIMAGES\10000025\BOOT.10000025.WIM TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 868 (0x0364)
Booted from network (PXE) TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 868 (0x0364)
Network(PXE) path: X:\sms\data\ TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 868 (0x0364)
Found config path X:\sms\data\ TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 868 (0x0364)
Booting from removable media, not restoring bootloaders on hard drive TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 868 (0x0364)
X:\sms\data\WinPE does not exist. TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 868 (0x0364)
X:\_SmsTsWinPE\WinPE does not exist. TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 868 (0x0364)
Executing command line: wpeinit.exe -winpe TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:44:56 868 (0x0364)
The command completed successfully. TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:45:02 868 (0x0364)
Starting DNS client service. TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:45:02 868 (0x0364)
Executing command line: X:\sms\bin\x64\TsmBootstrap.exe /env:WinPE /configpath:X:\sms\data\ TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:45:02 868 (0x0364)
The command completed successfully. TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:45:02 868 (0x0364)
==============================[ TSMBootStrap.exe ]============================== TSMBootstrap 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
Command line: X:\sms\bin\x64\TsmBootstrap.exe /env:WinPE /configpath:X:\sms\data\ TSMBootstrap 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\x64\1033\TSRES.DLL' TSMBootstrap 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\x64\TSRESNLC.DLL' TSMBootstrap 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
Adding SMS bin folder "X:\sms\bin\x64" to the system environment PATH TSMBootstrap 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
PXE Boot with Root = X:\ TSMBootstrap 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
Executing from PXE in WinPE TSMBootstrap 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
Loading TsPxe.dll from X:\sms\bin\x64\TsPxe.dll TSMBootstrap 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
TsPxe.dll loaded TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
Device has PXE booted TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
Variable Path: \SMSTemp\2013.{6A67336D-02C4-4378-8266-36975DEBDF6E}.boot.var TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:02 1140 (0x0474)
Succesfully added firewall rule for Tftp TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Executing: X:\sms\bin\x64\smstftp.exe -i get \SMSTemp\2013.{6A67336D-02C4-4378-8266-36975DEBDF6E}.boot.var X:\sms\data\variables.dat TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %* TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Set command line: "X:\sms\bin\x64\smstftp.exe" -i get \SMSTemp\2013.{6A67336D-02C4-4378-8266-36975DEBDF6E}.boot.var X:\sms\data\variables.dat TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Executing command line: "X:\sms\bin\x64\smstftp.exe" -i get \SMSTemp\2013.{6A67336D-02C4-4378-8266-36975DEBDF6E}.boot.var X:\sms\data\variables.dat TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Process completed with exit code 0 TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Succesfully removed firewall rule for Tftp TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Successfully downloaded pxe variable file. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
we are booted using PXE TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
we are booted using PXE and we don't use a password or the password is provided by the user TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Found network adapter "Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller" with IP Address TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Run PXE Interactive TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Running Wizard in Interactive mode TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat" TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
CryptDecrypt (hKey, 0, 1, 0, pData, &dwDecryptedLen), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\qfe\nts\sms\framework\smscrypt\windes.cpp,165) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
SMS::Crypto::DES::DecryptBuffer( (BYTE*)pszPassword, (DWORD)(wcslen(pszPassword)*sizeof(WCHAR)), encryptedBuffer.getBuffer(), (DWORD)encryptedBuffer.size(), pbDecryptedBuffer, dwDecryptedBufferSize ), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\qfe\nts\sms\framework\tscore\tsremovablemedia.cpp,387) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Activating Welcome Page. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
Loading bitmap TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:45:03 1140 (0x0474)
WelcomePage::OnWizardNext() TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat" TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
CryptDecrypt (hKey, 0, 1, 0, pData, &dwDecryptedLen), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\qfe\nts\sms\framework\smscrypt\windes.cpp,165) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
SMS::Crypto::DES::DecryptBuffer( (BYTE*)pszPassword, (DWORD)(wcslen(pszPassword)*sizeof(WCHAR)), encryptedBuffer.getBuffer(), (DWORD)encryptedBuffer.size(), pbDecryptedBuffer, dwDecryptedBufferSize ), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\qfe\nts\sms\framework\tscore\tsremovablemedia.cpp,387) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat" TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
CryptDecrypt (hKey, 0, 1, 0, pData, &dwDecryptedLen), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\qfe\nts\sms\framework\smscrypt\windes.cpp,165) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
SMS::Crypto::DES::DecryptBuffer( (BYTE*)pszPassword, (DWORD)(wcslen(pszPassword)*sizeof(WCHAR)), encryptedBuffer.getBuffer(), (DWORD)encryptedBuffer.size(), pbDecryptedBuffer, dwDecryptedBufferSize ), HRESULT=80090005 (e:\qfe\nts\sms\framework\tscore\tsremovablemedia.cpp,387) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Verifying media password. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat" TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Spawned thread 1212 to download policy. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Entering TSMediaWizardControl::GetPolicy. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Creating key 'Software\Microsoft\SMS\47006C006F00620061006C005C007B00350031004100300031003600420036002D0046003000440045002D0034003700350032002D0042003900370043002D003500340045003600460033003800360041003900310032007D00' TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Environment scope successfully created: Global\{51A016B6-F0DE-4752-B97C-54E6F386A912} TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Creating key 'Software\Microsoft\SMS\47006C006F00620061006C005C007B00420041003300410033003900300030002D0043004100360044002D0034006100630031002D0038004300320038002D003500300037003300410046004300320032004200300033007D00' TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Environment scope successfully created: Global\{BA3A3900-CA6D-4ac1-8C28-5073AFC22B03} TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting LogMaxSize to 1000000 TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting LogMaxHistory to 1 TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting LogLevel to 0 TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting LogEnabled to 1 TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting LogDebug to 1 TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
UEFI: false TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Loading variables from the Task Sequencing Removable Media. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat" TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\x64\1033\TSRES.DLL' TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting SMSTSMP TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSMediaGuid TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSBootMediaPackageID TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSHTTPPort TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSHTTPSPort TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSIISSSLState TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSLaunchMode TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSMediaPFX TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSPublicRootKey TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSSiteCode TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSSiteSigningCertificate TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSUseFirstCert TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSx64UnknownMachineGUID TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting _SMSTSx86UnknownMachineGUID TS environment variable TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Root CA Public Certs= TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Missing root CA environment variable from variables file TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Support Unknown Machines: 0 TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Custom hook from X:\\TSConfig.INI is TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
No hook is found to be executed before downloading policy TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Authenticator from the environment is empty. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Need to create Authenticator Info using PFX TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Initialized CStringStream object with string: 6148cbc3-cac1-4d41-a21c-4957a0a2acf1;2013-04-24T21:46:08Z. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Set media certificate in transport TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Set authenticator in transport TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: SRVSCCM.domain.com.br:80 GET /SMS_MP/.sms_aut?MPKEYINFORMATIONMEDIA TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Error. Status code 500 returned TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
dwResultCode == 200, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,5165) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
RequestMPKeyInformation: Send() failed. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
MPKeyInformation.RequestMPKeyInformationForMedia(szTrustedRootKey), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,9427) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Failed to get information for MP: http://SRVSCCM.domain.com.br. 80004005. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
sMP.length() > 0, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmbootstraputil.cpp,1483) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
TSMBootstrapUtil::SelectMP ( sSMSTSMP.c_str(), sMediaPfx.c_str(), sMediaGuid.c_str(), sAuthenticator.c_str(), sEnterpriseCert.c_str(), sServerCerts.c_str(), nHttpPort, nHttpsPort, bUseCRL, sSiteCode, sAssignedSiteCode, sMP, sCertificates, sX86UnknownMachineGUID, sX64UnknownMachineGUID), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,904) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Exiting TSMediaWizardControl::GetPolicy. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
pWelcomePage->m_pTSMediaWizardControl->GetPolicy(), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawelcomepage.cpp,303) TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Setting wizard error: An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer (0x80004005). For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
WelcomePage::OnWizardNext() TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Skipping Confirmation Page. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Skipping Task Sequence Selection Page. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Skipping Variables Selection Page. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Skipping Resolve Progress Page. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Activating Finish Page. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Initializing the countdown timer. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Loading bitmap TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1140 (0x0474)
Exiting task sequence wizard. TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:23 1140 (0x0474)
Exiting with return code 0x00000000 TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:23 1140 (0x0474)
Execution complete. TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
hMap != 0, HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\environmentscope.cpp,515) TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
m_pGlobalScope->open(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\environmentlib.cpp,337) TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
this->open(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\environmentlib.cpp,549) TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
::RegOpenKeyExW (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szSMSTSKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\utils.cpp,258) TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
RegOpenKeyExW failed for Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
GetTsRegValue() failed. 0x80070002. TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
End program: TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
Finalizing logging from process 852 TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
Finalizing logs to root of first available drive TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
Successfully finalized logs to C:\SMSTSLog TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)
Cleaning up task sequencing logging configuration. TSBootShell 24/04/2013 13:46:23 868 (0x0364)

Ja was deleted distribuition point, task sequence, WDS and recreated again and the MP

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CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: SRVSCCM.domain.com.br:80 GET /SMS_MP/.sms_aut?MPKEYINFORMATIONMEDIA TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)
Error. Status code 500 returned TSPxe 24/04/2013 13:46:08 1212 (0x04BC)

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