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CM Catalog issue - Cannot connect to the application server

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I am hoping someone can help me, I have been having a nightmare with CM for the last week.


I previously had CM catalog configured and working via HTTP and I was wanting to change it to HTTPS for mobile device management. I created certs and made a few changes in IIS and the CM Admin console and it didn't work so I removed the Application Catalog roles and tried to revert it back to HTTP. Since then the APP Catalog has stopped working with the attached error. I have resolved all errors in the site status so have no alerts to work with in CM.


However event viewer has the below constant 2 errors;


Event ID 36882

The certificate received from the remote server was issued by an untrusted certificate authority. Because of this, none of the data contained in the certificate can be validated. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate.


Event ID 36888

The following fatal alert was generated: 48. The internal error state is 552.



So from what I gather it looks like I have lost authentication\trust with the SQL side of CM? Has anyone encountered this or have any idea on what I need to look for to resolve this?


I am running SCCM SP1 windows server 2008 R2





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Hi John,


It turned out my issue was that some little rascal deleted the "ConfigMgr SQL Server Ident Certificate" from the trusted root certificates. So unless you have been mucking about with certificates our problem might not be related.



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