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State Migration Point Storage Folder - Permissions missing

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I have one problem with the SMPs in my architecture. We have two distribution point with state migration point role installed. The folder that stores the USMT data is called for example SMPSTOREF_B5517EAC$ and every time I restart the server the permissions assigned to that folder or parent folder are missed. We need to add some specific users with read-only permissions and it dessapeared when the server is restarted. I have tested to assign permissions to the parent folder or to the drive and apply inheritance, but it doesn´t works.

Could someone explain me how permissions work in this special folder and how to apply inheritance to it?


Thanks a lot in advance.


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have the same issue here, though the permissions are reset every day, without server restart



errr.... It appears that permissions on drive that is used for DP are being reset automatically.

To prevent that, the SMP folder should not be on the same drive as the DP.

Is there specific maintenance task that does that? Is there a way to stop that behavior?

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