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Clients not showing as installed

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Good morning all...

We are currently in the process of moving from SCCM 2007 to 2012. Because we are not fully ready to migrate all clients, we are manually pushing client installs to systems and then monitoring, deploying software, updates, etc... to those systems only.


With that in mind, I was hoping to get clarification on some things. As of now, manually pushing to clients has worked without much incident. However, I'm noticing that in viewing the client push reports, some clients are showing up as "Completed," but when looking at the systems in "Devices," the client does not show as installed. I'm wondering if there is some sort of delay in ConfigMgr notating the installation as being completed? Does the "completed" entry have more than one meaning... i.e. ran out of retries/time? Is there any way to check what is going on with a particular system if the client isn't installed? The only thing I've check is ccmsetup.exe being listed in the services snap-in on the machine.


Thanks for any guidance.

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I have the same problem. When I tried pushing the same client agent using the Client push installation on SCCM 2012 console. The configuration manager does not appear on the control panel

Here is the setup of my test environment


Site Server = MSCCM

Site Code = MMJ


1. Active Directory schema has been extended

2. System Management has been created on System container on ADSI Edit

3. SiteServer has been given full control on the system management folder

4. Added the Configuration Manager admin template on the GPO and set the Site Code on MMJ

5. 2 Boundaries has been created.

  • IP Subnet =
  • IP Address Range = -

6. Client Push installation settings has been modified.

7. Fall back server roles has been added.

8. Hierarchy settings has been configured to use fall back site.


I viewed the taskmanager on the client(which is my AD) that is being pushed by Client push and the ccmsetup.exe does appear but still the installation failed. Also, I did manual installation of client agent on the site server, configuration manager appeared on the control panel but the site server is not reporting to the sccm console. Attached is the screenshots of the configuration manager on control panel for my site server.



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Yes, the clients that are showing as installed are also showing as assigned to the site. It appears that those showing as not having the client after a push are having some various install issues that I'm seeing in the CCMSetup.log. Thanks for pointing me in that direction. Might be back for assistance with the log errors.

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In one particular instance, I'm seeing this in the CCMSetup.log...


<![LOG[m_hrServiceError, HRESULT=80070643 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\setup\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.cpp,2611)]LOG]!><time="11:06:19.911+300" date="05-29-2013" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="3464" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2611">
<![LOG[PrepareForRun(bContinue), HRESULT=80070643 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\setup\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.cpp,851)]LOG]!><time="11:06:19.911+300" date="05-29-2013" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="3464" file="ccmsetup.cpp:851">
<![LOG[CFSPStateMessage::CFSPStateMessage]LOG]!><time="11:06:19.911+300" date="05-29-2013" component="FSPStateMessage" context="" type="1" thread="3464" file="fsputillib.cpp:272">
<![LOG[CFSPStateMessage::~CFSPStateMessage]LOG]!><time="11:06:19.911+300" date="05-29-2013" component="FSPStateMessage" context="" type="1" thread="3464" file="fsputillib.cpp:321">
<![LOG[CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80070643]LOG]!><time="11:06:19.911+300" date="05-29-2013" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="3464" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10544">


Any thoughts?

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it says that the sccm client failed "CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80070643" thats why it appears that the client is not installed


Yeah I caught that. But, now I'm wondering what that error is really pointing to. I looked up the code and it seems to have to do with the MSI Installer? Has anyone seen this before?

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