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Connect to network folder task creates Disconnected Network Drive

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Hi there,


I am trying to create a simple drive mapping to a shared folder from which I want to run a cmd prompt to install some software. However, when I create a new task sequence and then create the task "Connect to Network Folder" all I get when it has run is a "Disconnected Network Drive" in Computer. I've tried running this against XP and Windows 7 PC's, I've run it using different shared folders, different drive letters and I've also run it using different accounts but each time I get the same error. I'm using SCCM 2007 SP2 on a Windows 2003 server.




Any help much appreciated.



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Finally got it working, had to make changes to the Advertisement Distribution Point settings. Changed it from the default Download content locally when needed by running task sequence to Access content directly from a distribution point when needed by running the task sequence. As a result installation now takes place across the network without the need for a drive mapping.




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