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SCCM 2012 User Capture Only and Deploy Later


In the current organization we are preparing to move from Windows XP SP3 to Windows 7, at the same time of this migration we will be replacing the old systems with new systems. I have been be able to successfully create a script that runs a scan state, saves the user settings, copies it up to their M drive and then able to go to another system run a second script that copies the MIG down to new system and restores the settings.


What I would like to do is use SCCM 2012 to only capture the user state of the XP system of an office or department and then as we swap out the machines at the desks to be able to use SCCM 2012 to restore their settings back to the new system. So far I have only seen methods for side by side and in place migrations, or methods that require an image to be applied to the system as part of the user state migration.


Is what I am asking to do even possible?

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