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Scripting Windows 8 Store Updates


Hi All,


I am trying to find a solution that will update the built in Windows Modern applications (i.e. Bing, Mail, Calendar etc) automatically. I cannot find any powershell or other script that has the ability to update these apps without launching the apps store and then hitting update. Everything I search for has the ability to remove the applications but nothing to update them with.


I can use powershell to discover the applications requiring updates but nothing to get them to update:

Get-EventLog -LogName system -Newest 2 -InstanceId 17 -source *update*| select timewritten,message | ft -AutoSize –Wrap

Because none of the Modern Applications tie into Windows Updates it is not something that can be done with WSUS.


I have discovered the Group Policy options are available for the store (as per MS KB http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2826659) which allows updates from the store to be disabled easily but nothing to schedule or install the updates automatically.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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