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Primary child server failed

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Hi Niall.. hi all!


Please advice me when my primary child server failed to connect to Central Site, where or which log files should I look to have this issue fixed.

I'm in the middle of package distribution from Central Site DP to Primary Child DP when suddenly there's power failure.

When power resumes an hour later, I found that Primary Child won't download/sync package anymore from Central Site where it was a successful operation before the incident.

What have I tried:
1. sync Central Site to Primary Child relationship using preinst.exe /synchild & /syncparent

2. delete pending jobs using preinst.exe /deljob

3. check .PCK files under SMSPKG folder & found all PCK files are at the same size with Central Site

4. site repair. but after a few attemps now the site repair wizard produce an error and it won't launch anymore :(

there's no backup done for this server as it's a new setup/install.

some log files I looked at:

from hman.log

Wait for site control changes for maximum 3600 seconds...    SMS_HIERARCHY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:03:41 PM    3084 (0x0C0C)

SMS_EXECUTIVE started SMS_HIERARCHY_MANAGER as thread ID 3356 (0xD1C).    SMS_HIERARCHY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:30:39 PM    5580 (0x15CC)

SMS_EXECUTIVE started SMS_HIERARCHY_MANAGER as thread ID 3356 (0xD1C).    SMS_HIERARCHY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:30:39 PM    5580 (0x15CC)

Wait for site control changes for maximum 3600 seconds...    SMS_HIERARCHY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:30:39 PM    3356 (0x0D1C)

^^^and it's just stalled there

from despool.log

Wait for site control changes for maximum 3600 seconds...    SMS_HIERARCHY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:30:39 PM    3356 (0x0D1C)

Despooler is starting...    SMS_DESPOOLER    7/19/2013 5:30:38 PM    1612 (0x064C)

CPublicKeyLookup::Initialize("D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\hman.box\pubkey")    SMS_DESPOOLER    7/19/2013 5:30:38 PM    1612 (0x064C)

CPublicKeyLookup::Initialize() Initializing the Public Key Store Path to D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\hman.box\pubkey    SMS_DESPOOLER    7/19/2013 5:30:38 PM    1612 (0x064C)

Waiting for the next instruction....    SMS_DESPOOLER    7/19/2013 5:30:38 PM    1612 (0x064C)

Waiting for ready instruction file....    SMS_DESPOOLER    7/19/2013 5:30:38 PM    1612 (0x064C)

^^^and then it's just stalled there..

from recoverymanager.log

Error : Get sql connection failedThe operation completed successfully.    SITE_RECOVERY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:48:36 PM    5808 (0x16B0)

Error : Fail to get all item ids from self.The operation completed successfully.    SITE_RECOVERY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:48:36 PM    5808 (0x16B0)

Error : Fail to get all the removed guids from referenced siteThe operation completed successfully.    SITE_RECOVERY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:48:36 PM    5808 (0x16B0)

Error : Fail to remove objects which already deleted since last backup.Task name is: CRecoveryCollectionTaskThe operation completed successfully.    SITE_RECOVERY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:48:36 PM    5808 (0x16B0)

Error: Recovery process failure with error code :1The operation completed successfully.    SITE_RECOVERY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:48:36 PM    5808 (0x16B0)

Recovery finished with result: -2147221494    SITE_RECOVERY_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:48:36 PM    5808 (0x16B0)

from distmgr.log

Starting the DP Manager thread,thread ID = 12F4    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:30:39 PM    3940 (0x0F64)

Used 0 out of 1 allowed processing threads.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:30:39 PM    3940 (0x0F64)

Sleep 3600 seconds...    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    7/19/2013 5:30:39 PM    3940 (0x0F64)

^and then it's just stood there sleeping, eventhough I've tried to distribute software to new DP, it won't create any log anymore..

Any kind advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks.



(I have my original thread here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/fa39fbc7-116f-4959-9760-a2abb9388dcc/primary-child-server-failed)

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