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Powershell to set Full Device Schedule in SCCM 2012

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Need help with how to set " Schedule a full update on this collection" for Device collections.

I have a PowerShell script that creates over 90 Device collections for our environment in the Test lab right now.

I can set all the setting I need even "Incremental updates" but I cannot figure out how to set a full schedule in the PowerShell Script.


looking for any help.


Thank You.

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thanks Peter for pointing to my blog!

In case you haven't fixed it until now (I'm going to look into that issue later tonight I guess)... I believe, without knowing exactly, that that refreshschedule for collections should work exactly the way it does for packages.

However, I will look into it later...

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$Schedule = New-CMSchedule -Start "10/30/2013 12:00 AM" -RecurInterval Days -RecurCount 1
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name "TEST-Collection Schedule" -LimitingCollectionName "All Systems" -RefreshSchedule $Schedule -RefreshType Periodic

The above works in my 2012 R2 lab, but I cannot get it to work in production on 2012 SP1.


Is the code specific to R2? Mainly the -RefreshSchedule parameter?




If I use New-CMDeviceCollection to create a series of collections, they are created with no update type enabled. Neither schedule or incremental. I was able to use your powershell code from the link above to set a schedule, however the box to actually enable the schedule is still unchecked.




Any ideas?





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