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Distribution package - Permissions denied

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I'm using SCCM 2012 SP1 and sometimes I've got a problem when I distribute a package.

In the console, the package distribution is displayed as "In progress".

In the PkgXferMgr.log, i can find the following information.

It looks like some rights are missing ("selection permission denied") but the computer account (my Management point) is sysadmin of the database. And if i redistribute the package, sometimes It works.

Have you already met this problem ?

Do you have any ideas about that ?


Thank you for your help.

Completed post-actions for remote DP SERVER  $$<SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER><08-07-2013 02:38:39.521-120><thread=6828 (0x1AAC)>
~Sending completed successfully  $$<SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER><08-07-2013 02:38:39.522-120><thread=6828 (0x1AAC)>
~Deleting remote file 101BCAAA.PCK  $$<SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER><08-07-2013 02:38:39.523-120><thread=6828 (0x1AAC)>
Notifying pkgXferJobMgr~  $$<SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER><08-07-2013 02:38:39.523-120><thread=6828 (0x1AAC)>
COutbox::TakeNextToSend(pszSiteCode)  $$<SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER><08-07-2013 02:38:39.531-120><thread=6828 (0x1AAC)>
*** [42000][229][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'vSMS_Program', database 'CM_AAA', schema 'dbo'.  $$<SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER><08-07-2013 02:38:39.534-120><thread=6828 (0x1AAC)>
Failed to send status to the distribution manager for pkg AAA0006A, version 0, status 3 and distribution point ["Display=\\SERVER\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=AAA"]\\SERVER\~  $$<SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER><08-07-2013 02:38:39.536-120><thread=6828 (0x1AAC)>
*** SELECT SC.SiteType FROM SMSData S INNER JOIN SC_SiteDefinition SC ON SC.SiteCode = S.ThisSiteCode  $$<SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER><08-07-2013 02:38:39.540-120><thread=6828 (0x1AAC)>
*** [42000][229][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'SC_SiteDefinition', database 'CM_AAA', schema 'dbo'.  $$<SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER><08-07-2013 02:38:39.540-120><thread=6828 (0x1AAC)>

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To complete the previous post, If i reboot the primary site, the distribution works fine for 10 minutes then I keep getting the following message

*** [42000][229][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'fnGetRelatedContentID', database 'CM_AAA', schema 'dbo'.

and with the SQL trace I get the message

exec sp_InsStatusMessageInsStr 3,72057594038598327,0,N'229',72057594038598327,1,N'14',72057594038598327,2,N'[42000][229][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object ''fnGetRelatedContentID'', database ''XXXXX'', schema ''dbo''.'

Do you have any ideas ?

Thank you.

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Having a similar issue myself:


Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 229, severity 14: [42000][229][Microsoft]
[sql Server]The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'fnGetRelatedContentID', database 'CM_XYZ', schema 'dbo'.
Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 229, severity 14: [42000][229][Microsoft][sql Server Native Client 11.0][sql Server]The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'SC_SiteDefinition', database 'CM_XYZ', schema 'dbo'.



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