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An error occurred while trying to start the Windows Deployment Services server.


Hi Gurus,


Could you please advise what can i do to start WDS services again. I am getting following error. It was working fine until I installed DHCP services on this server (2008 r2).

I am using WDS to install captured image (injected drivers) for windows 7 deployment.


1. I tried uninstall\reinstalling both wds and dhcp with no luck.

2. Tried wdsutil /initialize-server and uninitialize - Didn't work




An error occurred while trying to start the Windows Deployment Services server.

Error Information: 0xC1030104




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Not sure if you tried this command

WDSUTIL /Set-Server /UseDHCPPorts:No /DHCPOption60:Yes


DHCP and PXE conflict over ports if installed on same server, and considering it was working until you installed DHCP role then it points to this.


Had to run this command on a server that hosted all roles before.

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According to the TechNet blog post, Configuration Manager PXE Service Point Errors, the error code 0xC1030104 could imply that your WDS Server is actually not configured properly. I believe RocketMan is on the right track, however another step you could try is to initialize the server at the command line by running the following command:


“wdsutil /initialize-server /REMINST:"D:\remoteinstall" (without quotations) where D:\remoteinstall is the directory that Configuration Manager had configured WDS to use.


You also might try to stop and restart the Windows Deployment Services Server in the services.msc to see if that will resolve your issue as well.


Keep us posted!


Windows Outreach Team – IT Pro
The Springboard Series on TechNet

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