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OSD is slow


Hi Guys,

I need some assistance with OSD being slow for one site. We are a Dell shop just starting to use SCCM 2007 for OSD among other things. For the most part we are a Global company with similar equipment in most if not all offices. Other than a few one off situations there have been no problems. I have one office( possibly only one tech) having a problem where the imaging has taken hours to complete.

I ran the report "Specific task sequence advertisements run on a specific computer( see attached screenshots). Looks like from the report it took the "Partition Disk 0" just around 3 hours. no way should it take that long. Our average time to fully image a machine is 50min to an hour. In this example the two machines were 780's no issues prior to imaging and appears no issues since.

On a third machine (Lattitude E5510), from the same report it looks like it took 40min to Partition Disk 0, but later on looks like it took another two hours to Setup Windows and ConfigMgr(part that is installing obviously ConfigMgr)

All in all this tech has had issues with 7-10 machines and is experiencing issues that no other offices have been experiencing.


Any help/direction is appreciated.



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3 answers to this question

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Hi BKskinsfan,


How is your environment set up? Do you have child primaries in each site, or are you using DP's?


If this is the only site experiencing issues, I would start with the network side of things. Is the tech using the same work area when imaging? Is he/she using a desktop switch or a hub? Have you verified that the ports used for imaging are configured correctly (i.e. not set for half duplex or some other configuration that would impact imaging)?


If you don't have a VM environment in place to test, perhaps you can use a physical workstation in that site, install vmplayer and kick off a VM to use for troubleshooting?


Feel free to pm me with any questions.



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Hey Paul,

Thanks for the reply.

So far this only seems to be an issue in our Cali offices. what I do know there is a Secondary Site server in LA, but what I dont know is the setup for all of the remote offices(bandwith, etc...).

depending on everyones work load because of the holiday next week not sure if we can make it happen, but the plan is to have another tech go out to the site and image a machine or two. So I'm waiting to find out about hubs, ports, etc... Also not sure if they have a license for VMware to run that, but we do have plenty of physical machines. Another thing that I dont know at this exact moment is if this is a new problem for this tech or if he has alway experienced this issue. I know the tech contacted me a few weeks back because the cert on our boot media had expired. I provided him with new boot media and a week later heard about this image time problem. I assume that it was not an issue before.

I did speak to another tech out in Cali and she is of the opionon that if you start a machine before 9am it will image in the normal time frame of about an hour, anytime after that it will take a bit longer. I checked on one of her machines and it took just under two hours. Its not great time, but 2 hours is more acceptable that the 3-8hour range.

I compared her 2 hour imaged machine to mine and on her machine it took 30 min to do the Partition Disk 0 step compared to my 10 min on one of my machines.


while I am waiting on info from other people and other sites, would you have any idea as to why or what to check to see why that step could be taking so long?

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Hi BKskinsfan,


You don't need a license to run VMPlayer (just workstation). As for the partitioning step, I don't have access to my environment right now, but that step should only take literally seconds to complete. Can you PM me screenshots of your OSD TS? Also, have you enabled logging during OSD? If not, you may want to do that to get more granular logging. Have you looked at the SMSTS.log file from a machine that has taken a long time to complete? Are these machines pulling content from a local or remote dp during the OSD phase? Are they running the installs from the DP or downloading content before installing?



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