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have problem with All Non-Client Systems query

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Hi Gang,

I need to identify all the machines on my customer's network that are not running the SCCM agent. I see there is a built-in query titled "All Non-Client Systems" and seems to be what I need.

So, I looked over the list of machines in "Results for All Non-client Systems" and logged in to a few to view the running processes. I found that 4 out of 7 had CcmExec.exe in the running process list viewed in Task Manager, as well as SCNotification.exe.

Next, I setup a test VM and un-installed the client using ccmsetup.exe /uninstall, and confirmed that CcmExec.exe was no longer listed. I re-ran the query (I thought), but the test machine does not show up in the Non-Client list; it does, however, still appear in the "All Client Systems" query list.


I'm quite new to SCCM and may not understand how to update the query list correctly. It appears to be simple - Select Monitoring > Queries, right-click All Non-Client Systems, and select "Run". It seems to work on it for a few seconds, then a list appears - but the list isn't accurate.


Would someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong?




- a -

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