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Application deployment with user part

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Hi everybody,


I come to you about new ideas to deploy an Application with user part.


Currently, I deploy it like the following :


- A first Application named "Xxxxxx (System)" that installs the software as SYSTEM (with administrative privileges) and that is just copied to DP's (not deployed).

- A second Application named "Xxxxxx" that installs the user part configuration (Registry settings/AppData files - specific to end-user) with user context. This one is deployed to a Collection with the Application "Xxxxxx (System)" as a dependency.



My principal problem is if a user wants to uninstall the software, only user part (running with user privileges) can be uninstall...



Any ideas? Other kinds of solution are welcome ;)

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Yes, I know it but you don't understand my request...


For example, I need to create an Application deployment that installs WinZIP with some customization settings located in the user's registry hive (HKCU\SOFTWARE\...). Of course, the end-user does not have administrative rights...



How do you manage this kind of deployment?

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There are several ways to go.


- create a compliance rule for the settings (i would prefer this way)

- export the registry keys and create an application or package which runs in the user context

- create a MSI for the Installation with an active setup section

- create a group policy


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